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内蒙古科技大学 本科生毕业设计说明书(毕业论文) 题 目:基于DSP的SVPWM实现及异步机调速 学生姓名:刘佳 学 号:0605106320 专 业:自动化 班 级:自2006-3班 指导教师:李少波 基于DSP的SVPWM实现及异步机调速 摘 要 本文主要研究了一种专门用于交流异步电机控制的数字信号处理器TMS320F2812,以及它在现代变频调速系统中的应用。在介绍了交流调速系统的种种主流技术后,较为详细地讨论了电压空间矢量脉宽调制(SVPWM)技术,同时介绍了数字信号处理器TMS320F2812的性能特点,详述了利用TMS320F2812来实现空间电压矢量脉宽调制的方法,并设计了系统的软、硬件。系统采用恒压频比的控制方法,以及空间矢量脉宽调制算法。本系统具有控制简单、外围电路较少、性能价格比高等优点,适合于风机、水泵用变频器的性能要求。 硬件电路主要设计了DSP的最小系统。包括对电源电路、晶振电路、复位电路、JTAG的设计。另外设计了系统的主电路、检测电路和保护电路。主电路包括整流电路、滤波电路、逆变电路。检测电路包括直流侧电压检测电路、电流检测电路。保护电路为过压、欠压、过流、过载以及对IPM发生故障时切断主回路的电路。通过软件应用DSP处理器实现了SVPWM空间电压矢量脉宽调制。 关键词:异步电动机;变频调速;空间矢量脉宽调制;TMS320F2812 Realization of SVPWM and speed of Asynchronous motor based on DSP Abstract This paper studies a specially used in AC induction motor control of digital signal processor named TMS320F2812, as well as its application in modern frequency control system. Introduced the mainstream technologies in the governing system and discussed in detail of voltage space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) technology, also introduced the performance characteristics of TMS320F2812 digital signal processor, detailing the method of use TMS320F2812 to achieve space voltage vector pulse width modulation, and designed the software and hardware of the system. The system adopts the constant ratio control method, and the space vector pulse width modulation algorithm. This system has the advantages of controlled simply, less external circuitry and higher cost performance, suitable for fans and pump with inverter’s performance requirements. The hardware circuit designed of the smallest DSP system. It including the power supply circuit, crystal oscillator circuit, reset circuit and JTAG design. Another system designed of main circuit, detection circuit, and the protection circuit. The main circuit including the rectifier circuit. filter circui, and inverter circuit. Detection circuit including the DC voltage detection circuit and current detection circuit. Protection circuit designed of overvoltage, u


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