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in season: (of fresh foods) available; at the right time for eating or marketing He never bought vegetables that are not in season in order to save money. My favorite fruits are pineapple, peach, mango and kiwi. It is a pity that they are not in season now. revenge: I’ll have my revenge on you for what you have done to me. 他们对这个城市的人民疯狂报复。 They took a terrible revenge on the people of the city. 1. n. punishment given to someone in return for harm done to oneself take (have) revenge on sb. (sth.) 2. vt. do sth. in revenge to Hamlet revenged his dead father on his uncle. He revenged his folks upon their enemies. 他替父老乡亲向敌人报了仇。 revenge sb. (sth.) revenge oneself on (upon) sb. revenge oneself for sth. be revenged on sb. …but when the immortal gods take a hand in the matter it is pardonable to observe the result with complacency. take (have) a hand in: play a part (role) in, be partly responsible for 珍妮可能同那件事情很有关系。 Jane may have had a considerable hand in the matter. He didn’t like others to take a hand in his own business. 1. Paraphrase the sentence. … but when fate plays a part in the matter it is forgivable to feel satisfied with the result. 2. Translate the sentence into Chinese. 但是竟连不朽的众神也被触怒而干预此事时,我怀着心满意足的心情目睹这个结局,想必也是可以原谅的了。 …but when the immortal gods take a hand in the matter it is pardonable to observe the result with complacency. 令人尴尬的处境 维持生活 远远超出某人的经济能力 受宠若惊 对……无足轻重 而不是 留给某人……的印象 似乎总是 the embarrassing situation keep body and soul together be far beyond one’s means be flattered be of any consequence to rather than give sb. the impression of seem inclined to (do sth.) Useful Expressions 上市 务必 come in / be in season by all means 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 油腻的东西 12. 吃得太饱 13. 教训起某人来 14. 习惯于 15. 效法某人的样子 16. 挥手让某人走开 heavy things overload one’s stomach take sb. to task be in the habit of follow one’s example wave sb. aside 17. 以一种高傲的姿势 18. 作为进行……的理由 19. 竭尽全力地 20. 丝毫不 with an airy gesture as an excuse for with all one’s might not in the least 21. 不得不 22


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