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TBBT205学习笔记(欧几里德备选项) 1.俚语   give a damn:give a shit,give a fuck care   2.普通级词汇   the crow flies:两点间的直线距离   conn:交通工具的控制部分   speed bump:减速带   tricky:形容人狡猾,形容问题难   brain-teaser:又有趣又难的问题,脑筋急转弯   speak up:If you speak up, you say something, especially to defend a person or protest about something, rather than just saying nothing.畅所欲言   state of the art:最先进的   remaster:重新录制增强音效的电影或磁带,碟片等   rear-end:追尾   homo novus(novushomo):新新人类   plebeian:平民,普通人   3.爆炸级词汇   helium 氦   mercury 汞   ytterbium 镱   molybdenum 钼   magnesium 镁   manganese 锰   europium 铕   mendelevium 钔   meitnerium 麦   4.Sheldon语录   Sheldon:Then I hereby invoke what Im given to understand is an integral part of the implied covenant of friendshipThe favor.   Penny:Oh, dear God.   Sheldon:Im sorry, I didnt realize I was interrupting your morning prayers.When youre done, well go.   可以把人情说的这么复杂,真Sheldon也。   把Oh,dear god理解成在祷告,这也只有Sheldon能想到了。   black woman:Application?   Sheldon:Im actually more of a theorist.   此处笑点用到了apllication的双关,即表示申请表,又表示应用的意思。而研究物理的人又有研究实验,研究应用,研究理论之分。通常 呢,搞理论物理的人都很牛,Sheldon一听application,理所当然的就认为问他具体研究拿方面的,所以就回答了说我是研究理论的。(拜托, 这可是在车管所。)可见Sheldon有多nerd了。   5.爆炸级句子   Examining perturbative amplitudes in N=4 supersymmetric theories leading to a re-examination of the ultraviolet properties of multi-loop N=8 supergravity using modern twistor theory.   The correct answer is when covered by a film of liquid sufficient to reduce the coefficient of static friction between the tire and the road to essentially zero,but not so deep as to introduce a new source of friction.   物理中的摩擦问题   6.本集八卦   Sheldon的计划表   周一 Thai food 泰国菜   周三 Halonight 光晕之夜    creamy tomato soup day from Soup Plantation奶油番茄汤    new comic book day 漫画淘宝日   周四 pizza from Giacomos Giacomo餐厅的匹萨 补充一个sheldon的计划   星期二是cheese factory 芝士工厂   barbecue bacon cheeseburger, barbecue sauce, bacon and cheese on the side   烧烤培根芝士汉堡,烧烤酱,培根和芝士单放   这个貌似在第一季提到过,sheldon把星期二的big boy burger换成penny工作的cheese factory了,看S2Ep07的样子,这个一直没变 TBBT206学习笔记(库珀-诺维茨


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