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Assignment for group work Role-play When and How to Go to… Guided Writing Do the exercises orally. Note-writing 16 October, 1999 Dear Mr. Wang; Liu Li is an English literature student. She is presently working on a paper on modern English literature. I would appreciate it if you could help her locate some reference books she needs badly. Thank you. Liang Beijun Interaction Activities Various ways of travelling Write down the advantages and disadvantages of various ways of travelling. Talk with your classmates and exchange your notes. Report on what you have been talking about. Grammar Points The passive sentence 被动句 the passive voice 被动语态 be +-ed participle (by sb./sth.) vt.: transitive verb 及物动词 Grammar Points The passive sentence 1. in the simple present 2. in the present perfect tense 3. in the simple past 4. in the future Grammar Points The passive sentence 1. in the simple present e.g.: ----The book is written in English. ----The bottle is filled with water. Grammar Points The passive sentence 2. in the present perfect tense e.g.: ----The window has already been closed. ----The classroom has already been cleaned. Grammar Points The passive sentence 3. in the simple past e.g.: ----His suggestion was accepted by the classmates yesterday. ----The man was fired by the boss last week. Grammar Points The passive sentence 4. in the future e.g.: ----A meeting will be held tomorrow. ----The speech will be given by a veteran this evening. Practice in groups Fill in the gaps in each dialogue and then do the substitution exercises. Dialogue I Background Information Secondary School ----在英国,初中:junior middle school,高中:senior middle school,中学统称为middle school。 ----在美国,初中:middle school,高中:high school。 ----elementary school基础教育,在欧美国家一般从1年级到8年级;secondary school指9年级到12年级。 Dialogue I Listen to the recording of Dialogue I and answer the questions on specific details. Comprehensive Questions What is Li Hua’s major at college? H


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