译林牛津版高中英语模块3Unit1《The world of our senses》listening workbook.ppt

译林牛津版高中英语模块3Unit1《The world of our senses》listening workbook.ppt

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译林牛津版高中英语模块3Unit1《The world of our senses》listening workbook

大家网收集 声明:本资料由 大家论坛高中英语专区收集整理,仅供学习交流使用 /forum-136-1.html 转载请注明出自 / 更多信息、考试真题,请访问 /forum-136-1.html 大家论坛,全免费公益性英语论坛,等待您的光临! Zhou Qiang: It also says that elephants have a strong sense of hearing and smell. They can hear things that other animals can’t. And listen to this: their sense of smell is better than any other animals’. How about that? Their sense of touch is good too. And they talk. Well, they make sounds to communicate with each other. They’re very clever, aren’t they? * P96, Part A& B Sample answers: 1.can 2.strong 3.more 4. strong 5.sight 6.tongue 7.strong 8.see 9.strong 10.talk to 11. smell P96, Part C Sample answers: 1.colours 2. sight 3.sense 4.smell 5.more 6.strong 7.ears 8.tongue 9.touch 10.dolphins Listening text Part A Zhou Qiang: Hey, here’s a leaflet about zoo animals. Listen to what it says about elephants’ senses. Firstly, they can’t see very well-----although they can see some colours unlike horses and cattle who can’t see any colours at all! Wang Nan: Wow, I never thought about animals seeing colours! Wang Nan: Yes. What about snakes? Zhou Qiang: Well, it says they have very good sight, hearing and smell. They use their tongue to sense what food is around and that’s why they are so good at hunting food! Wang Nan: Animals’ senses are interesting. I want to find out more when I get home. Zhou Qiang: Good idea!


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