译林牛津版高中英语模块3Unit1《The world of our senses》workbook writing.ppt

译林牛津版高中英语模块3Unit1《The world of our senses》workbook writing.ppt

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译林牛津版高中英语模块3Unit1《The world of our senses》workbook writing

大家网收集 声明:本资料由 大家论坛高中英语专区收集整理,仅供学习交流使用 /forum-136-1.html 转载请注明出自 / 更多信息、考试真题,请访问 /forum-136-1.html 大家论坛,全免费公益性英语论坛,等待您的光临! * characters setting plot Writing, P97 How to write a story? basic elements page 97, part B ,Sample version 1: When my friend Tony and I were talking happily on our way home from school, there came a sharp cry suddenly. Wondering what has happened, we looked around. And then we found a woman lying on the ground in front of a car. She must have been knocked down by the car. But there was nobody else that gave her a hand. At that moment the idea occurred to me that we had to take action to save her without delay. It really angered us when a well-dressed man prevented us from drawing near her. Why? How could there be such a cold-hearted man on earth? “Look backward, please!” he said and pointed to a camera. Oh, they were rehearsing a play. All of us just couldn’t help laughing at length. Sample version 2: Yesterday afternoon I went home with my good friend, Tony. On our way home, we suddenly heard a terrible cry “Ah” came from the main road beyond the trees. When we crossed the green belt quickly, what a terrible scene that came into our eyes! Not far away, a car stopped in front of which was a badly injured woman, lying on the ground. At the sight of this scene, we rushed to help the poor woman. But just a man suddenly turned up and stopped us. We were so eager to help the woman that we pushed him aside with all efforts. But what he did was still only saying no and preventing us from going there. Considering him to be the car owner who caused the accident, we became even more angry. Sample version 3: Yesterday, Tony and I were walking back home from school, talking about the class. It was about giving first aid. Suddenly we heard a wretched sound “ Ah”. Who? What happened? *


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