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!-- saved from url=(0054)/manuel/METAR-Decoder.html -- htmlheadmeta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=UTF-8!-- (c) 2002-2007 Manuel Heras Permission to modify and redistribute is explicitly granted for all purposes. I do not provide any guarantee as to the correctness of the decoding, and do not accept any responsibility. This HTML page contains a JavaScript decoder for the international METAR standard code for reporting of weather observations. I think the decoder is quite complete, according to the unofficial specifications I have checked against, but I could not thoroughly test every single field. Should you find any errors, please do not hesitate to contact me. Use this page for anything you want, with or without modifications. If you improve it, I would like to hear from you! Manuel Heras (manuel@) August 2002 Dec 2006: Parser for American expression for altimeter contributed by Ricardo Fernandez Feb 2007: Correction to support 0x0d0a-style end-of-lines by Wim de Vries Mar 2007: Parser for American Statute-Miles visibility contributed by Ricardo Fernandez -- titleMETAR Decoding Page/title/headbody bgcolor=#99aabb!--/* OpenX Javascript Tag v2.8.2 */-- center script type=text/javascript!--//![CDATA[ var m3_u = (tocol==https:?/www/delivery/ajs.php:/www/delivery/ajs.php); var m3_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999); if (!document.MAX_used) document.MAX_used = ,; document.write (scr+ipt type=text/javascript src=+m3_u); document.write (?campaignid=1); document.write (amp;cb= + m3_r); if (document.MAX_used != ,) document.write (amp;exclude= + document.MAX_used); document.write (document.charset ? amp;charset=+document.charset : (document.characterSet ? amp;charset=+document.characterSet : )); document.write (amp;loc= + escape(window.location)); if (document.referrer) document.write (amp;referer= + escape(document.referrer)); if (document.context) document.write (context= + escape(document.con


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