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10 阳宁东, 周幼平 1 2 阳宁东, 周幼平 ( 1. 四川大学旅游学院, 四川成都 610064; 2. 杭州电子工业学院, 浙江杭州310012 ) : 解决旅游线路开发中的 部经济问题, 是我国旅行社业走向良性发展的迫切需要本文尝试从经济学的角度对此问 题的解决进行探讨, 并阐述了在解决旅游线路开发中的 部经济问题上,建立旅游线路使用权市场所起的作用最 后指出建立旅游线路使用权市场才是更合理的选择 : 旅行社; 部经济; 旅游线路使用权; 旅游线路专营 : F5901 : A : 1005- 1465( 2004) 04- 0010- 03 PRELIMINARY DISCUSSION ON THE FOUNDATION OF THE MARKET ON USUFRUCT OF TOURIST ROUTE 1 2 YANG Ningdong , ZHOU Youping ( 1. Tour st Colleg e, S ich uan Un iv er sity , Chengd u 610064, China; 2. H angz hou E lectr on E ng ineer ing I nst it ute, H angz hou 310012, China) Abstract: he solution of the problems of external economy in exploitation of tourist route is the demand of the wellordered progress of China s travel industry. his study will try to discuss the solution of the prob lems from economics, and analyze what the foundation of the market on usufruct of tourist route acts on based on the solution of the problems of external economy in the exploitation of tourist route.At last, it is a more reasonable selection for us to set up the market on usufruct of tourist route. Key words: travel agency; external economy; usufruct of tourist route; monopoly of tourist route , , 4 1 , ; , , ! ,, ∀, , 200 , % % % , , # ∃ , # ∃ , , , , , , # , ∃ , # ∃ , , # , ∃


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