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WHP-ETT Our topic English teaching game Brief introduction Understanding game Functions of game Types of game Teaching principles of English game Problems of using games in class Design of games Playing games Case study Free talk Do you like games? Why? Can we use games in English classroom? Do/Did you have experience of playing games in your English learning and teaching? What kinds of benefits or problems games might have in the classroom? Do you have any suggestions for how to overcome the problems so that you can benefit learners by using games in your language teaching? Try to understand game Try your best to give game a definition Definition of game Any of amusement and pastimes of children that may involve spontaneous, unstructured activity, based mostly on fantasy and imagination, or organized games with set rules. Understanding game 现代汉语:游戏即娱乐活动,包括智力游戏和体育游戏。 美国百科全书:游戏是任何为娱乐而开展的活动。 不列颠百科全书:儿童游戏活动是儿童的任何娱乐消遣方式,可以是主要基于幻想和想象的、自发的、随意的活动,也可以是有组织的、有固定规则的游戏。 游戏是人的一种文化现象,更是一种文化生存形态。 鲁子问的理解 游戏是一种游玩嬉戏的娱乐活动。 游戏是儿童的基本生存形态。生活即游戏,游戏即生活。 游戏能让儿童获得游戏的文化精神:平等、自由、创造和规范约束的精神。 理解教学游戏 教学游戏就是在学校课堂内外的教学中运用的、能够实现相关教学目的的游戏。 小学英语教学游戏,首先是游戏,然后应该是教学游戏,之后才是能够实现相关外语语言教学目的的游戏。 小学英语教学游戏的特点 游戏性/游玩性质、嬉戏性质、自由性质、愉悦性质、服务教学的性质等 教学性/语言教学目的的达成、符合教学规律、主导性质 语言性/使用英语语言进行游戏 Mini-discussion Your reasons of using English games in the class Share your ideas with the class Why games Education must be fun. Interest is the best teacher. Functions of game Can help learners to treat learning English as something enjoyable. Can develop the students’ ability to co-operate, to compete without being aggressive, and to be a “good loser”. Can provide a carefree form of language practice. Games can be used as an effective way to evaluate the class performance in a non-threatening way. Functions of game Can provide a meaningful situation for tasks and help develop both a positive classroom atmosphere and a more effective learning environment. Can reflect students’ interest and usual behavior. Can help student


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