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摘 要
发展 趋势 组成 分类 概述 结构 功能 PLC 改造Abstract
?The numerical control engine bed collection computer technology, the electronic technology, the automatic control technology, the sensing survey, the machine manufacture, is the typical integration of machinery product. It’s development and the application founded the manufacturing industry new times, changed the manufacturing industry production method, the industrial structure, manages the way, caused the world manufacturing industry the pattern to have changed.
?This article mainly narrated the numerical control engine bed domestic and foreign development survey, the modern numerical control technology trend of development. Introduced the numerical control engine bed characteristic, the composition and the classification, and introduced programmable controller (PLC) in the numerical control engine bed application. Introduced with emphasis the grinder survey, as well as the modern numerical control grinder characteristic, and has carried on with PLC to the automatic grinder electrical system transformation.
?This article in the compilation process, has referred colleagues teaching material, the material and the literature, obtained many help, respectfully offers thanks in this.
?Key word: Trend of development Textural Classification Outline Structure Function PLC Transformation.
数控机床是当代机械制造业的主流装备,国产数控机床的发展经历了30年跌宕起伏,已经由成长期进入了成熟期,可提供市场1,500种数控机床,覆盖超重型机床、高精度机床、特种加工机床、锻压设备、前沿高技术机床等领域,产品种类可与日、德、意、美等国并驾齐驱。特别是在五轴联动数控机床、数控超重型机床、立式卧式加工中心、数控车床、数控齿轮加工机床领域部分技术已经达到世界先进水平。其中,五轴(坐标)联动数控机床是数控机床技术的制高点标志之一。它集计算机控制、高性能伺服驱动和精密加工技术于一体,应用于复杂曲面的高效、精密、自动化加工,是发电、船舶、航天航空、模具、高精密仪器等民用工业和军工部门迫切需要的关键加工设备。五轴联动数控机床的应用,其加工效率相当于2 台三轴机床,甚
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