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The Impact of Cultural Difference on Sino-American Business Negotiation
Chapter 1 Analysis of Cultural Difference Between China And America厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖?
1.1 Individualism vs. Collectivism………………………………5
1.2 Inductive Thought vs. Deductive Thought……………………6
1.3 Low-context vs. High-context………………………………7
1.4 View of Time ……………………………………………8
Chapter 2 The Impact of Cultural Difference on Sino-American Business Negotiation厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖?1
t厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖2.1 Impact on Goals: Contract or Relationship?…………………11
2.2 Impact on Communication Style: Direct vs. Indirect………12
2.3 Impact on Conflict Resolution……………………………13
2.4 Impact on Agreement Building: Bottle-up vs. Top-down……14
2.5 Impact on Risk-taking Propensity…………………………15
2.6 Impact on Decision-making: One Leader vs. Concensus……16
Chapter 3 Suggestions for Effective Cross-cultural Negotiation
3.1 Enhancing Cultural Awareness……………………………17
3.2 Preparing Well before Negotiation…………………………18
3.3 Overcoming Communication Obstacles in Business…………18
Nowadays, due to the rapid development and integration of global economy, international business contacts and activities are increasingly frequent and complex. The unprecedented growth of international business has resulted in an increased volume of face-to-face negotiation between members of different culture. While pursing the success of international business negotiation, it is imperative for negotiators to know the cultural difference of negotiating parties.
As we all know, China is one of the largest economic country in the world, and America is our biggest trade partner. Since the normalization of relations between China and America began 25 years ago, Sino-U.S. business relationships have been growing at a fast pace. Negotiations
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