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单位代码: 分 类 号: 延安大学西安创新学院 本科毕业论文(设计) 题 目 盆花自动浇水系统的设计 专 业: 名: 杨延宁 毕业时间: 二零一三年六月 盆花自动浇水系统的设计 摘要:设计了一款智能浇水系统,以实现花卉的自动浇水。本次设计的盆花自动浇水系统分为两大模块:空气温湿度的检测与控制和实时时间的显示与定时控制。其中空气温湿度的检测与控制部分又分为空气温湿度的检测和显示、自动浇水系统。空气温湿度的检测和显示以温湿度传感器DHT11为感应部件,将检测到的空气温湿度值送入STC89C51单片机,再将其数值输出到LCD液晶显示屏上显示。并通过单片机程序设定浇水的上下限值与DHT11送入单片机的空气湿度值相比较,当低于下限值时,单片机输出一个信号控制电磁阀打开,开始浇水,高于上限值时由单片机输出一个信号控制电磁阀关闭,停止浇水。实时时间的显示与定时控制是由单片机从时钟芯片DS1302读入时间与每天的实时时间,通过程序设定的定时浇水的时间与浇水的量进行浇水。STC89C51单片机;DHT11温湿度传感器;LCD;DS1302时钟芯 Design of potted flowers automatic watering systemAbstract: The design of an intelligent watering system, to realize the automatic watering flower. Potted plant automatic watering system of this design is divided into two modules: the air temperature and humidity detection and control and real-time display and timing control. The detection and control of air temperature and humidity is divided again for detection of air temperature and humidity and display, automatic watering system. Detection of air temperature and humidity and display of temperature and humidity sensor DHT11 as the sensing component, air temperature and humidity will detect the value into the STC89C51 microcontroller, and then display the numerical output to LCD LCD screen. And through the MCU program set the upper and lower limits of water compared to air humidity and DHT11 into the single value, when less than the lower limit, the SCM output a signal to control the electromagnetic valve is opened, the beginning of watering, higher than the limit value by SCM outputs a signal to control the electromagnetic valve is closed, stop watering. The real time display and timing control by the SCM from the real-time clock chip DS1302 read and time of day, time and watering watering them through the program setting the amount of watering. Keywords: STC89C51; DHT11 temperatu


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