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毕 业 设 计 设计题目:学 : 专 业: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 空调整机搬运机械手的动态仿真与结构设计 摘 要 机械手是能模仿人手和臂的某些动作功能,用以按固定程序抓取、搬运物件或操作工具的自动操作装置。机械手是最早出现的工业机器人,也是最早出现的现代机器人,它可代替人的繁重劳动以实现生产的机械化和自动化,能在有害环境下操作以保护人身安全,因而广泛应用于机械制造、冶金、电子、轻工和原子能等部门。 Dynamic simulation and structural design of air-conditioning machine handling manipulator Abstract Manipulator is an automatic operation device operation,which is able to mimic certain actions of staff functions,following a fixed procedure to grap and carry objects or tools . Manipulator is the earliest industrial robots, is the earliest of the modern robot, it can replace human labor in order to achieve production of the mechanization and automation, also can operate in hazardous environments to protect the personal safety, so it is widely used in machinery manufacturing, Metallurgy, electronics, light industry and atomic energy and other sectors. With the development of industrial automation, robots position in the industry more and more important, in particular the advantages of stacking in the warehouse is very prominent. Paper describes air-conditioning machine handling robot design theory and design methods and the main design calculation. Paw grabs the object with the vacuum gripper adsorption; the main body of the arm uses hydraulic cylinder for lifting; body is bridge rail structure, according to the specific environment of the warehouse to build. According to the analysis and calculation of the previous to choice, and finally in CATIA software to create three-dimensional solid model and the model of the assembly constraints, analysis of the model structure is reasonable and applicable. This in manipulator design is an extremely important aspect ,for the design and manufacture of manipulator to reduce the cost and shorten the development cycle. Key words: manipulator dynamic simulation pneumatic transmission vacuum adsorption vacuum generator CATIA 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 工业机械手


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