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郑州航空工业管理学院 毕 业 论 文(设 计) 届 土木工程(道路与桥梁方向)专业 班级 题 目 预应力混凝土空心板桥设计 姓 名 学号 指导教师 职称 讲师 年 五 月 十五 日 内 容 摘 要 预应力混凝土空心板在我国桥梁建筑上占有重要的地位,在目前,对于中小跨径的的永久性桥梁,都在尽量采用预应力混凝土空心板桥,因为这种桥梁具有就地取材,工业化施工,耐久性好,适应性强,整体性好的优点。从而决定了本设计中桥型的选择,整个的计算方法。 本文对一个2×20 米先张法预应力混凝土空心板简支桥进行了设计验算。文章拟定了桥梁的上部结构尺寸,对荷载内力进行了计算,并且对主要构件进行了强度承载能力极限状态和正常使用极限状态验算。其中,上部结构尺寸的拟定,主要参考了桥涵规范及相关范例;利用铰接板法和杠杆原理法求解横向分布系数,并且参考相关范例对 10 块空心板进行了分组,从而可以查表得出横向分布影响线,进而求得横向分布系数。 本次设计的内容主要包括:空心板、盖梁、桩柱三大部分的设计与计算。分别先后完成几何尺寸设计、荷载组合计算、钢筋配置及验算、预应力损失计算、裂缝及变形验算、持久和短暂状态应力验算等具体项目,每一部分都有详细、精确的计算过程。 本次设计成果有:计算书和配套施工图纸。 关 键 词 预应力;空心板;盖梁;桩柱 Design of Pre-stressed Concrete Hollow Slab Bridge shuangzhenyi Tutor: Zhang Daying Abstract Prestressed concrete hollow slab bridge construction in China occupies an important position in the small span permanent bridges, are as far as possible Prestressed Concrete Hollow Slab, because the bridge with local materials, industrial construction, durability, adaptability, integrity advantages. To determine the design of the bridge type selection, the entire calculation method. In this paper, a 20-meter pre-tensioned prestressed concrete hollow slab simply supported bridge design checking. The intended size of the upper part of the bridge structure, the load internal forces was calculated, and the main components of strength ultimate limit state and serviceability limit state checking. Among them, the intended size of the upper structure, the main reference bridges and culverts specification and examples; hinge plate method and the lever principle method to solve the lateral distribution coefficient and reference example 10 hollow board packet, which can look-up table draw horizontal distribution of line, and then obtain the lateral distribution coefficient. This designs content mainly includes: Spatial core, Ge Liang, pile three major part designs and computation. Does things in order of importance and urgency completes the geometry size design, the


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