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梧 州 学 院
毕 业 论 文
论文题目 基于STM32的智能交通灯的设计
学 院 信息与电子工程学院
专 业 电子信息工程
班 级 12电本2班
学 号 201201902201
学生姓名 戈强宝
完成时间 2016 年 1 月
Design of intelligent traffic light based on STM32
Traffic traffic, the basic condition of social development and the improvement of peoples living standards, economic development will certainly bring human out number increase, in our China, traffic congestion has become a very serious problem. I through the careful study of the urban traffic control system, design a crossroads of traffic lights control system, this system mainly uses STM32 microcontroller design a crossroads of traffic lights control circuit, require two crossings of the north-south and east-west directions turn of vehicle running, the two directions can according to the size of the vehicle flow automatic regulating travel time. And traffic for a long time, traffic is small, the passage of time short.
In each direction with a dot matrix display screen display traffic direction, in each direction with red, yellow, green, three lamp respectively allow access, warning, closed to traffic. Sidewalk with red light, said Ban and allowed to pass, in addition, with a 4 * 4 matrix keyboard input things, north-south direction of the passage of time and by pressing the button to confirm, before you can make changes to the passage of time. Traffic counts the maximum value is the 4 * 4 matrix keyboard input.
Key words: Ttaffic;Traffic jam;vehicle flowrate
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 项目背景 1
1.2 国内现行交通灯的弊端 2
1.3 研究的目的和意义 2
第二章 系统总体方案设计 4
2.1 系统总体设计 4
2.2 系统各模块设计方案 4
第三章 单片机概述及各种芯片简介 7
3.1 单片机概述 7
3.2 主要芯片