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ZHEJIANG WATER CONSERVANCY AND HYDROPOWER COLLEGE 毕业设计说明书 题  目: 海天机械厂35kV供配电系统设计 电气工程系 专业班级:   姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 20 年 06 月03 日 摘要 此机械制造长属于大型企业,是35KV总降,一条进线对应一个变电所。为了方便设计说明,选了一个金工车间进行具体的计算设计。 这个车间有很多的设备,而且几组设备是并行的流水线。首先进行负荷计算,再参考电源进线方向,确定变压器的台数和容量。根据厂内负荷情况,从技术和经济合理性确定厂区配电电压。按负荷计算求出总降压变电所的功率因数,通过查表或计算求出达到供电部门要求数值所需补偿的无功率。用总降压变电所主结线图,设备材料表和投资概算表达设计成果。参考本地区气象地质材料,设计防雷装置。进行防直击的避雷针保护范围计算,避免产生反击现象的空间距离计算,按避雷器的基本参数选择防雷电冲击波的避雷器的规格型号,并确定其接线部位。进行避雷灭弧电压,频放电电压和最大允许安装距离检验以及冲击接地 电阻计算。总降压变电所变、配电装置总体布置设计综合前述设计计算结果,参照国家有关规程规定,进行内外的变、配电装置的总体布置和施工设计。负荷计算短计算高、低压设备选择继电保护 ABSTRACT This machinery manufacturing long belong to large enterprise, is a 35KV total fall into line corresponds to a substation. In order to facilitate the design descriptions, choose a metalworking shop specific calculation design. This workshop has a lot of equipment, and several groups of equipment is parallel lines. First, then load calculation reference power into line, determine the direction of transformer capacity and the Numbers. According to the situation from inside the plant load technical and economical rationality sure factory distribution voltage. According to the load calculation work out the power factor of general voltage substation, through the look-up table to ask out or computational power supply departments requirements needed without power numerical compensation. General voltage substation with main and equipment and materials chart table and investment estimate express design results. Reference this area of geological materials, design meteorological lightning protection device. The scope of protection of direct lightning calculation, avoid to produce counterattack phenomenon according to the space distance calculations, the basic parameters of the lightning arresters choice of electric shock wave lightning arrester specifications, and determine its wiring parts. For corona arcing voltage, frequency discharging v



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