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自平衡式两轮电动车系统的建模与模糊控制策略研究 摘要 自平衡两轮电动车作为一种本质不稳定的轮式移动机器人受到各国研究者 的关注。自平衡两轮电动车系统属于典型的自平衡控制系统,系统的重心在上, 支点在下,静态为不稳定状态,动态时以系统在垂直方向上的角度为控制对象, 使其控制在平衡状态附近一定的范围内。 本文首先介绍了国内外自平衡两轮小车的发展现状,分析了自平衡电动车系 统的工作原理,然后建立小车系统空间坐标系,应用动力学理论对其运动状态、 受力情况进行分析。对力矩进行了定量的分析,得到小车的状态空间方程,同时 建立系统模型,为控制方法和控制策略的研究奠定了基础。接着利用 Simulink 验证此模型的正确性和合理性,并依此模型设计模糊- 比例复合控制器对系统进 行控制。最后借助 Simulink 对该系统验证与仿真。 由于自平衡两轮电动车体积小,运动灵活,适于在狭小和复杂地貌的环境下 活动,将会在军用和民用领域有着广泛的应用前景。而且自平衡两轮小车也是一 种便利的交通工具,具有较强的实用价值。 关键词:两轮自平衡小车, 数学建模,模糊控制, MATLAB 模糊逻辑工具箱, 仿真 - I - 自平衡式两轮电动车系统的建模与模糊控制策略研究 Abstract As a kind of natural unstable wheeled mobile robot, the self-balanced two-wheel vehicle is gained attentions. The self-balanced two-wheel vehicle is the typical kind of self-balancing system, their centers of mass are upper than their supporting points. The system is unstable when it is in static state. But in dynamic state, the control system aims to keep the vertical angle within a certain scope to keep the system balance. First, this paper introduced the development of the self-balanced two-wheel vehicle, show a system working principle analysis, after setting up the space coordinates of the system, the kinematical and dynamic analysis are both presented. The quantitative analysis is discussed,get the state-space equation of the vehicle. Then the system model is established and it serves as the basis of consequent research of control theories and methods. The correctness and reasonability of this model are proved and depended on Simulink, Fuzzy-P control is used to design the adjusted controller. Finially, this model is proved and simulinked by Matlab. S


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