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李楠;;The four beauties are four ancient Chinese women renowned for their beauty. According to legend, they are the most beautiful women of ancient China, and among the most significant as well. They gained their reputation from the influence on kings and emperors. In a way, their actions impacted Chinese history. Most ended their lives in tragedy or mystery. The four beauties lived in four different dynasties. ;西施 沉鱼 王昭君 落雁 貂蝉 闭月 杨玉环 羞花 ;Make the swimming fish sink;In that time Yueguo was bowed to Wuguo .The king of Yueguo wanted to recover his country , then Xi shi devoted herself to that lofty career .She made the king of Wuguo fascinated and did not concern the affairs of state .;Finally Yueguo beated Wuguo .About Xi shi no one knows where is her in the end .Somebody said she was died .Somebody said she fell in love with a man and she left with him. ;Make flying geese fall;Make flying geese fall;She rode a horse and made a very long journey in the extremely cold weather .On the road ,she is so beautiful that her appearance would entice birds in flight to fall from the sky .;Then she married the king .She advised the king not make a war .And she also take Chinese culture to the xiongnu .She made the two countries peace for many years. ;Make the full moon hide behind the clouds;Make the full moon hide behind the clouds;She was so beautiful that the moon itself would shy away in embarrassment when compared to her face .Somebody said she was the first female spy in history .She loved her country so much .But her country was controlled by Dongzhuo .;In order to her country ,she married with Dongzhuo.She tempted Dongzhuo and his partner.Finally made they don’t believe each other and hurt each other. At the last dongzhuo was killed by his partner.She was a hero of east han royal count.;Make all flowers feel shameful;Make all flowers feel shameful;Then emperor love she very much .From then on her family lived a ric



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