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微博营销现状及对策分析 I 摘 要 微博是一种利用各种现有通信技术,充分结合无线网络和有线网络,分享并获 取信息的即时通讯服务。而伴随微博而来的,便是一种人际交互方式的变革,而这 种人际交互方式的变革,正在引发新的商业模式及产业链的诞生。 微博为企业提供了一个价格低廉却十分有效的营销平台,通过微博这种新的营 销方式可以打造巨大的商业平台和拢聚的众多人气和关注度。被越来越多的企业所 看重,成为很多企业重视开发的新的营销阵地。诸多的企业开始尝试在微博上开辟 营销试验田,把微博和企业营销进行结合,努力挖掘这个平台的营销价值,并取得 了不错的效果。从一些知名企业进行的微博尝试和实践中,可以看到微博所蕴藏的 巨大营销潜力和价值。 本论文首先通过对微博和微博营销相关知识介绍,为下文建立理论基础。通过 分析企业在进行微博营销过程中存在的问题,提出微博营销策略,最后对微博营销 在我国的发展提出意见和建议。 关键词:微博,微博营销,营销策略 II Abstract MicroBlog is a use of all kinds of existing communications technologies,fully combined with wireless networks and cable networks, share and obtain information of instant messaging service. But with microBlog, this is a change in the way of interpersonal interaction,This change in the way of interpersonal interaction Are triggering new business model and the birth of industrial chain. MicroBlog provide enterprises with a low prices but very effective marketing platform for enterprisethrough the MicroBlog this new marketing mode can make huge commercial platform and approach the popularity and attention numerous together. By more and more enterprises valued, it become a lot of emphasis on developing new marketing enterprise positions. Many enterprises have begun to try in MicroBlog ushered in marketing experimental plot. MicroBlog combined with enterprise marketing, and explored this platform marketing value, and achieved good effect. From some famous enterprises The MicroBlog attempt and practice .We can see the MicroBlog contains huge marketing potential and value. This thesis based on MicroBlog and MicroBlog marketing related knowledge introduction, establish theoretical basis for below. Through the analysis of the enterprise in MicroBlog the marketing process problems, come up with MicroBlog marketing strategy.Finally we come up with opinions and Suggestions to the MicroBlog marketing in the development of our country. Key words:MicroBlog,MicroBlog marketing,Marketing strategy III 目 录 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 选题的背景 1 1.2 研究意义 1 第二章 微博营销的发展趋势 3 2.1


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