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Unit 3 Job Interview Text A Get the Job You Want Structural Analysis Language Points 1.(Para.1 L. 1-2) I run a manufacturing company with about 350 employees, and I often do the interviewing and hiring myself = I am in charge of (manage )a manufacturing company which has about 350 staff, I often conduct interviews with job applicants and decide whether he or she is a right person to be given a job myself. Vocabulary (1) run v. =① be in charge of / manage经营/管理 ②operate/ be in operation (function) (machine/engine)(指机器运转,工作) ③(story/article)publish in a newspaper or magazine(advertise)出版/刊登 [考点] run a shop/ business/hotel/language school/training course e.g. Keep clear of the machines while they are running. e.g. He ran an ad. to hire a salesman in a evening paper. e.g. We ran a training course for local teachers Vocabulary [考点] run across=come across / find(meet)sth./sb. unexpectedly/by chance run after=chase/ seek to acquire (attain) =pursue persistently run against=happen to meet Sb. run out of sth.=(supply of sth.) be used up(指供应品)被用完,被耗尽 ▲run out of money/ petrol/milk/food Sth. run out= come to an end =be completely used 期满/耗尽 e.g. The petrol in my car is soon running out. e.g. My passport / license runs out (can no longer be used) next month, I must get it renewed. Vocabulary (2) interview v.= 1)orally examine/ ask a series of questions to obtain information/ question to decide if sb. is right for a job面试/面谈 Vocabulary e.g. The manger was satisfied with none of the candidates interviewed very hard this morning. 2) meeting at which a reporter, etc. asks sb. questions in order to find out his views采访,交谈 e.g. A TV reporter interviewed the mayor about the city’s problems. Vocabulary e.g. One Chinese prestigious economists was interviewed on CCTV, saying the domestic stock market with various problems had become the target of public criticism. n.= a formal meeting in person e.g. After Liu Xiang had won the world championship in the race he gave a series of


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