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Release: Lysozyme, whose code is provided by a phage gene, is synthesized within the cell. This enzyme causes a breakdown of the bacterial cell wall, and the newly produced bactedophages are released from the host cell. The number of newly synthesized phage particles released from a single cell usually ranges from about 50 to 200. There are genetic controls that regulate when different regions of phage DNA are transcribed into mRNA during the multiplication cycle. There are early messages that are translated into early phage proteins, the enzymes used in the synthesis of phage DNA. There are late messages that are translated into late phage proteins for the synthesis of capsid proteins. This control mechanism is mediated by RNA polymerase. eclipse period Time course of events in phage T4 infection Latent period one-step growth curve * Chapter 5 Viruses 5.1 General Properties of Viruses 5.2 General Features of Virus Reproduction 5.3 Overview of Bacterial Viruses 5.4 Temperate Bacteriophages: Lysogeny and Lambda 5.5 Overview of Animal Viruses 5.6 Pox Viruses 5.7 Adcnoviruses 5.8 Retroviruses 5.9 Viroids and Prions Chapter outline (1) their simple, acellular organization (2) the absence of both DNA and RNA in the same virion, (3) their inability to reproduce independently of cells and carry out cell division as prokaryotes and eukaryotes do. viruses differ from living cells in at least three ways: 5.1 General Properties of Viruses Virion, the extracellular phase, posses few if any enzymes and can not reproduce independently of living cells. In the intracellular phase, viruses exist primarily as replicating nucleic acids that induce host metabolism to synthesize virion components; eventually complete virus particles or virions are released. extracellular and intracellular Viruses can exist in two phases Hosts and size Three main classes - animal viruses, bacterial viruses (bacteriophages), and plant viruses. The particular host range of a virus is d


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