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第45卷第2期 煤 炭 科 学 技 术 Vol45 No2
2017年 2月 Coal Science and Technology Feb 2017
张宏伟,李云鹏,陈 蓥,朱 峰,邵凌峰
(辽宁工程技术大学 矿业学院,辽宁阜新 123000)
摘 要:为保证三硬条件下孤岛工作面安全高效开采,采用理论计算方法分析了工作面推进速度对冲
数值模拟方法分析了工作面开采速度对超前应力分布的影响,其结果与理论分析结果吻合。 以数值
进速度应小于3.6 m/ d。 现场微震事件结果与理论计算和数值模拟结果一致,说明工作面推进速度
应小于3.6 m/ d是合理的。
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中图分类号:TD324 文献标志码:A 文章编号:0253 2336(2017)02 0006 06
Study on safety pushing forward speed of island coal mining face under hard
roof and hard seam and hard floor conditions
Zhang Hongwei,Li Yunpeng,Chen Ying,Zhu Feng,Shao Lingfeng
(School of Mining,Liaoning Technical University,Fuxin 123000,China)
Abstract:Inordertoensureasafety andhighefficient miningof theislandcoal miningfaceunderhardroof andhardseamandhardfloor
conditions,a theoretical calculation methodwasappliedtoanalyzethepushingforwardspeedofthecoalminingfaceaffectedtothemech⁃
anism of the mine pressure bump,and the lab test and numerical simulation test method were applied to analyze the coal mechanics fea⁃
tures under different loading speed. The numerical simulation methodwas applied to analyze the mining speed of the coal miningface af⁃
fected to the pilot stress distribution andthe results andthetheoretical analysisresultswerewell fitted. Based on the stress obtainedfrom
the numerical simulation,the elastic energy distribution condition of the surrounding rock along the gateway was calculated. The results
showed that underhardroof andh
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