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家用自动扫地机设计 目录 第一章 绪论 2 1.1课题研究的目的、现状和意义 2 1.2本课题的研究内容及工作原理 4 1.2.1研究内容 4 1.2.2工作原理 4 第二章 自动扫地机概述 4 2.1扫地机的概念及用途 4 2.1.1扫地机的概念 4 2.1.2扫地机的用途 5 2.2扫地机的分类 5 2.2.1按形状大小分类 5 2.2.2按功能分类 5 2.2.3按电器安全分类 5 第三章 扫地机的结构设计 6 3.1外观设计 6 3.2运动及控制单元设计 6 3.2.1运动部分的基本结构 6 3.2.2车轮的设计 7左右车轮的大小和结构 7车轮的尺寸 8总体图 9 致 谢 9 参考文献 10 摘要:随着当今社会经济的发展,人们生活水平的逐渐提高,工作越来越忙,住房面积也越来越大。打扫卫生已成为现代家庭一大难题,要付出大量的劳力。与现代人的居住条件、生活节奏、生活品质形成了显明的反差。家庭自动扫地机是可以为人们减去劳累、节省时间的高科技智能化家电。家庭自动扫地机就像全自动洗衣机一样是家庭必不可少的家用电器,它无须人工操作,只需一按开关,自动运行。目前在日本、韩国、美国等发达国家得以普及。实现了科技节约时间,时间丰富生活。智能自动扫地机对中国普通家庭来说现在还是奢侈品,但随着人们生活水平的不断提高,智能自动扫地机也将会在中国家庭中得以普及。自动扫地机是一个较新的、环保的、高科技的行业,目前仍处于市场导入阶段,市场发展还不成熟,2007年以来自动扫地机在国际快速生长,市场增加率高达300%。自动扫地机是一个朝阳行业,生长潜力庞大。预计未来十年行业将进入高速发展期。 关键词:扫地机;家庭;自动运行; The design of household automatic sweeper Abstract: With the current social and economic development, peoples living standards are gradually improved, having more and more busy and housing space. Cleaning has become a major problem of the modern family, needed pay a lot of labor. It with modern living conditions, the rhythm of life and quality of life obvious contrast. Household automation Sweeper less tired for people, and time-saving high-tech intelligent home appliances. Household automation sweeper like automatic washing machines as family essential household appliances, it does not have the manual, and just a switch to run automatically. To be universal in Japan, Korea, the United States and other developed countries. It has achieved science and technology to save time, time to rich life. The intelligent automatic sweeper for the ordinary families in China is still a luxury, but with the continuous improvement of living standards, intelligent automatic sweeping machine will also be to popularize in a Chinese family. Automatic sweeping machine is a relatively new, environmentally friendly, high-tech industry. In the market introduction stage, the development of the market is not yet ripe for automatic sweeping machine. Rapid growth is up t


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