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小功率自激反激开关稳压电源的设计 教 学 院:电气学院      学生姓名:吴少强 专业班级:电气工程及其自动化05(1)班 指导教师:皮大能 讲师 摘要:本文全面分析了开关电源的控制理论和方法。以BUCK电路为例,采用状态空间平均法对该电路两种工作模式(CCM, DCM)的控制原理进行了极其深入的剖析。论文叙述了开关电源主要控制技术、并用解释了电感的伏秒平衡原理、电容的充放电平衡原理以及小纹波近似的条件。并推导了开关电源的输入输出的传递函数 本文结合控制理论解释了开关电源中使用的控制方法,并指出了电流模式控制和电压模式控制各自的优缺点。论文以BUCK为例,对开关电源变压器的制作方法,和反激式开关电源工作原理和控制过程进行了详细的分析,推导了气隙计算的准确公式。本文除了详细的给出开关电源的设计步骤外,还指出控制的基本原理都是一样的,开关电源中的控制目标仍然是“快、稳、准”,由于开电源为惯性系统,“快、稳、准”是即矛盾又统一的,只能折中运用。 本论文对开关电源的滤波、整流、反馈电路等分别作了细致的研究工作,通过反复实验和计算取得了高频变压器设计的宝贵经验,掌握了开关电源设计的核心技术,并对此进行了较为详尽的阐述。 开关电源;反馈控制;高频变压器 The low power autoexcitation instead stirs up the switch voltage-stabilized sources design Abstract:This paper described comprehensively the basic method in SMPS designing. For instance, to BUCK circuit, We analyses gradually the CCM mode and the DCM mode in power stage by State-Space Averaging method. The inductor Volt-Second Balance and the Capacitor Charge Balance were also be figure out theoretically. It was pointed out that the Volt-Second Balance in inductor determined the DC voltage element in all kinds of SMPS, the Capacitor Charge Balance determined the DC current element. In stable state, the average voltage across the inductance is zero, and the average current across the capacitor is zero. A suitable L and C value could be obtained by analyzing the powers ripple. There list several key components switch are important in SMPS ,the paper described every key components equivalent circuit individually, and almost every topology of SMPS was consist of these components. This paper also pays a great attention to the transformers work theoretic and design procedure. How to confirm the gap and how the magnetic current work did were discussed reasonably here .To get a transformer easily and make the very few mistakes in transformer designing, there discuss the effect of the same windings difference position in the transformer. The thesis of the switching power supply filtering, rectifier and the feedback circuit were mad


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