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26 56 黄宇玲 56¹ 黄宇玲 ( 四川师范大学文学院, 四川成都 610068) : 中国文化是交互性发展的, 不同时期不同层次的文化往往在同时 并存, 或统 一于 一部小说中5西游记6就是这样 一部小说它蕴意丰富, 关注于人自身人自我价值的实现和精神超越其中人物的长生追求虽然是原始意识的遗 留, 却 表着中国文化中人们对生命永恒长久不衰的真挚的追求, 同样也从侧面反映了明 肯定世俗人欲追求享乐 长生的思潮 : 5西游记6;长生; 长生术; 顺势巫术 : I207. 4 : A : 1672- 9684( 2005) 01- 0026- 04 EXPLANA TION OF THE TECHN IQUE OF IMMORTAL ITY IN THE P IL- GR IMAGE TO THE WEST HUANG Yu-ling (S chool of L itera ture, S ichuan N ormal Un iv ersity, Chengd u 610068, Ch ina) Abs trac t: The evelopment of Ch inese culture is complex. The cultures of ifferent perio s an ifferent levels a-l w ays exist in one perio or in one novel just like the picaresque novelThe P ilg rim ag e to the W est. There are many themes in i,t the prmi ary is about the human sel,f the ach ievem ent of in ivi ual. s value an spirit. It is the exh ib ition of prmi itive conception that all the characters inTheP ilg rmi ag e to the W est, w ant to be mi - mortals or have eternal lives. However, it show s the human being. s sincere th irst for eternal life, wh ich ex- ists in Ch inese culture for a long tmi e. A itionally, it reflects the social thought tren of secu larism an he- on ism in theM ing Dynasty. K ey w ord s: The P ilg rmi ag e to the W est; mi mortality; technique of mi mortality; mi itativemagic 56 / 0 56, , 56 / 0/ 0/ 0 , / , 0/ 05 , ¹ 6) ) ) , ) ) ) , , ; , , , / 0/ 0 56 , , , , / 0, 56 ¹ : 20


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