[医学]Medical English 1.ppt

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[医学]Medical English 1

MEDICAL ENGLISH This Basic Course in Medical English is Intended to Help Students Understand Medical Terminology: Word structure, Pronunciation and Meanings. Medical terminology, like any living language, is not static. It has become a dynamic tool of not only those in the medical professions but also insurers, lawyers, equipment suppliers, pharmaceutical representatives, and others who interact with health care providers and consumers. To keep apace of medical science medical language must expand and change. Learning the basics is important, but constant updating is needed. It is important to remember as we begin our studies of Medical English that like the English language itself we are studying a language that is constantly changing…adding new words and phrases at an astonishing rate. At the same time other words because of new breakthroughs in medicine become discarded or obsolete. Basically medical vocabulary includes terms built from Greek and Latin word parts, some of which were used by Hippocrates and Aristotle more than 2400 years ago. There are also eponyms, acronyms, and terms from modern language. Greek and Latin Terms Eponyms such as Parkinson’s disease. Acronyms such as laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) L-A-S-E-R..LASER. A word formed from the initial letters or groups of letters of words in a set phrase or series of words. (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) O-P-E-C..OPEC Modern Language such as Nuclear Medicine Scanner The majority of medical terms in current use are composed of Greek and Latin word parts. These terms can be learned by two ways: (1) memorizing terms or (2) learning word parts and how they fit together to form medical terms. Memorization can be boring so learning word parts and how they fit together provides the best way to learning so many medical terms. Therefore the word part method is used to learn terms composed of word parts. The memorization method is used to learn other terms no


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