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希腊解释也非地震成因的全面原理。 第一个这样的论述是由希腊学者亚里士多德(Aristotle)(公元前384~322年)发起的。其论著的重要性在于:他不是从宗教或占星术中寻找解释,如地震是由行星或彗星联合而产生的,他注重当时的务实背景。他讨论地震的成因,首先与常见的大气事件类比,诸如雷和闪电;其次与从地球升起的蒸汽和火山活动相联系 要石图片 19世纪在日本出现了“鲶绘”,也就是描绘社会动荡或自然变故的早期漫画。其中往往有人类对神怪状的鲶或搏斗或祭祀或喜庆的场面。看来对位于环太平洋火山地震带上的岛国住民来说,时不时的地震是永远的心头大患。突然想到日本的“鲶”和中国的“年”最初都是凶兽,鲶绘和年画是否都是为了镇灾而产生的呢? 1.3 二十世纪的地震学 世纪之交:地震学的创业年代 作为一门独立的学科登上现代科学的舞台,地震仪出现和广泛使用。 弹性回跳理论:美国地震学家里德(H.F.Reid), 1910年  地震震源  弹性回跳理论(Elastic Rebound Theory): 在海滨地区跨圣安德烈斯断裂的篱笆在1906年旧金山地震时 错动了2.6米,远处的土地向右移动 地球内部结构大发现的时代 60-70年代的地震学 地球的自由振荡 震源物理 新的地震成因理论 大陆漂移、海底扩张、板块构造 地震预报 板块边界 地震学对大地构造学说的确立做出了重要贡献 1.4 现今的地震学 地震预测: 探测地球内部构造  地震危险性预测:  抗震工程:  工程地震学:  地震工程学: * The San Andreas Fault runs through Southern California within about 80 km of the greater Los Angeles region. The fault here can be divided into the Mojave segment, which last ruptured in 1857, the San Bernardino Mountain segment, which last ruptured in 1812, and the Coachella Valley segment which last ruptured in 1680. These segments have a historical repeat time, though variable, between 150 ad 400 years and thus any of these segments may be approaching its next major rupture. Furthermore, each of these segments is capable of producing magnitude 7.5 earthquakes or greater. Thus, the Southern San Andreas Fault potentially represents a near future major seismic hazard to the Los Angeles region. Within the past decade, four significant earthquakes have occurred in the Mojave Desert including the 1992 magnitude 7.3 Landers and 1999 magnitude 7.1 Hector Mine quakes. Because of the close proximity of these events to the San Andreas Fault, it is reasonable to assume that these events have had a significant affect on the loading state of the San Andreas. Here we wish to determine what that effect may be. Previous analysis has shown that coseismic slip associated with the 1992 events increased stresses on the San Bernardino Mountain segment, bringing it closer to failure. Since 1992 several other factors ha


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