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Management Communication  一 句 格 言 管理大师德鲁克说: 沟通不是你在说什么,而是别人怎么理解你说的什么。 管理沟通的定义 管理沟通,是围绕企业经营而进行的信息、知识与情报的传递过程,是实现管理目的的媒介,也是企业有效运作的润滑剂。 Why communicate in a business setting? What do you think is a manager’s job? 1) What do managers do all day? 2) the roles managers play 3) skills required for good managers Answer: What do managers do all day? 管理的职能 沟通在管理中的作用 在管理工作中,管理者约70%的时间是用在与他人沟通,这其中的1/3的时间用于单独会谈,其余的2/3时间用于分析问题和处理相关事务。 如果你不是一个有效的沟通者,那你也不可能成为一名合格的管理者!!! Contrary to the image offered by textbooks, they spend little time by themselves, rarely alone drawing up plans or worrying about important decisions. Interacting with people – both inside and outside the organization. (casual interactions in hallways, phone calls, meetings) ---managers do not leave the telephone or the meeting to get back to work. Rather, these contacts are their work. ---Their work is conversational. When in action, they are talking or listening. 2/3-3/4 of their time in verbal activity, just the means by which managers gather information, identify problems, negotiate shared meanings, develop plans, put things in motion, give orders, develop relationships…. Where should a good manager go? The workshop or coffee shop? host receptions, take clients to dinner, meet with business prospects and associates. Such relationships are the richest source of information Mintzberg 的管理角色 What roles managers play? 人际角色interpersonal roles 象征性人物Figurehead role: perform ceremonial duties 领导Leaders (inside) 联络人Liaison (outside) 信息角色Informational roles 监控者monitor, scanner, analyzer 信息发布者disseminator 发言人spokesperson 决策角色Decisional roles 企业家 麻烦处理者Crisis handler 资源分配者Resource allocater 谈判者Negotiator 管理角色与沟通 明兹伯格的管理者角色理论 管理者的时间分配 溝通的功能 管理沟通的作用和功能 作用 降低经营模糊性 实现有效管理 满足员工对信息的需要 构建工作关系 功能 管理沟通是润滑剂 管理沟通是黏合剂 管理沟通是催化剂 管理模式与沟通 Personality and perception 个性和知觉 Management style and communication 管理模式与沟通 Personality and pe


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