2018学年高中英语 Unit 2 The Olympic Games课时跟踪练(三)Learning about Language amp; Using Language 新人教版-必修2.docVIP

2018学年高中英语 Unit 2 The Olympic Games课时跟踪练(三)Learning about Language amp; Using Language 新人教版-必修2.doc

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Unit 2 The Olympic Games课时跟踪练(三) Learning about Language Using Language 一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高 [本课语言点针对练习] Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Its foolish (愚蠢) of him to debate the question with his boss. 2.My sister bought this T-shirt at such a low price. She was really good at bargaining (讨价还价). 3.The man paid a fifty-dollar fine (罚款) for putting up advertisements in public. 4.The woman deserved (应受) the punishment because she broke the rule in order to win glory (荣誉) for herself. 5.The old man gets a physical (身体的) examination on a regular basis. 6.The hotel charged (收费) me 100 for the night. 7.He is hopeless (没有希望的) about his chances of winning the contest. 8.Mary took great pains (辛劳) with her English lessons and got high marks. 9.I shall advertise (登广告) the loss of my laptop in the newspaper, with a reward for the finder. 10.Nowadays, therere many posters (海报) in the campus. Ⅱ.单句改错 1.As a matter of fact, they were such excited watching the beach volleyball game that they forgot to have their lunch.such→so 2.It was foolish for you to leave school at such an early age.for→of 3.As far as I know, Tom and Mary will get marry next month.marry→married 4.She is satisfied that all her plans have succeeded one by another.by→after 5.An experienced engineer is in the charge of the building of the bridge.去掉第一个the 6.Its ten years of hard work has made him succeed.work后加that Ⅲ.多维演练 1.charge (1)补全句子 You can play football in the stadium free_of_charge (免费) if you are a member. Could you please tell me who_is_in_charge (谁负责) here? He was_charged_with (被指控) murder yesterday, which made us all surprised. My little son is in_the_charge_of (负责) the baby-sitter while Im out. =The baby-sitter is in_charge_of (负责) my little son while Im out. She should charge me 200 yuan for (为……向我要价200元) repairing my computer. (2)句式升级 三个月前,那个人掌管这家公司。 The man took_charge_of_the_company three months ago. 他被指控吸毒。 He was_charged_with taking drugs. 三个月前掌管这家公司的那个人被指控吸毒。(用who引导的定语从句连接练习、两个句子) The_man_who_took_charge_of_the_company_three_


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