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一品南庭二期项目投资分析及可行性研究摘要随着我国房地产市场体制的逐渐完善,为充分保证市场资源的优化配置,可行性研究成为项目开发获得政府主管部门核准批复的主要依据。房地产开发企业在面临投资项目决策时,其核心问题就是开发的项目是否能被市场所接受。项目的开发是否有充分盈利的空间,开发风险是否能得到合理的控制,这些都是房地产项目开发可行性分析所需要解决的问题。本文参考国家颁布的有关技术性指导文件,以项目投资理论为指导,结合国内外有关文献资料和著作,对达州市一品南庭地块项目进行了可行性研究,作者希望通过对一品南庭地块项目的详细论证为企业决策提供科学依据。本文作者在实地调研房地产项目的基础上,对房地产项目的开发环境进行了宏观、中观、微观的分析。结合产品特点明确了目标客户群,并对项目进行了投资估算和销售预测,以及静态和动态的财务分析,最后对项目的不确定性展开深入分析。从而明确了该房地产项目的开发是否可行。关键词:房地产;可行性研究;财务分析;投资分析The investment analysis and feasibility study South of Chamber II projectAbstractWith the gradual improvement of real estate market system ,to make sure that market resource is collocated is a effect way ,the feasibility study becomes very important in getting the permit to development.when Real estate development enterprises make a decision on the projects, the kernel problem is whether they may be accepted by the Consumers, the feasibility study is very necessary to know how to control the risk of project on a reasonable level and whether sufficient profit would be offered.Through the reference to the relevant national technical guidance documents issued, with the study on domestic and foreign research works , the author made a feasibility study on real estate development project in YPNT block, by using invest theory,this study is aim to offer some scientific gist on the decision making .In this article, the general process of the feasibility study of real estate investment is considered. Firstly, it talks about the researching background, purpose and methods of research. Secondly, it provides methods and ideas of the future market research, product positioning, technical analysis, risk analysis and the use of capital. At last, it gives conclusion and suggestions of the feasibility study of real estate investment.Key words: Real Easement Investment; Feasibility study; Project Positioning; Investment analysis目 录绪 论11.1选题背景及意义11.2论文的研究内容21.3论文的结构体系2第二章 一品南庭地块项目概述及市场分析42.1 项目概况与研究目的42.2项目政策环境分析52.3达州市房地产市场分析52.4项目周边土地利用状况62.5项目周边道路交通系统现状与规划62.6公共交通影



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