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;Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials. — Lin Yutang (Chinese writer);;Contents;;Poem Appreciation Discussion;The Road Not Taken (Robert Frost?) ; ; ;1. As far as choices in our daily life are concerned, have you ever been troubled with such dilemma: to keep all or to give up some?;2. What is the proper way to deal with this dilemma? Is more always better than less? ;Task1. Listen to a talk about why people are often irrational. Based on what you hear, match the questions with the answers by placing a letter next to the number.;Task1. Listen to a talk about why people are often irrational. Based on what you hear, match the questions with the answers by placing a letter next to the number.;Task1. Listen to a talk about why people are often irrational. Based on what you hear, match the questions with the answers by placing a letter next to the number.;1. In your opinion, what is an irrational behavior? Give some examples.;2. What do you think may cause people’s irrational behavior?;;;;;Questions Previewing;;;;The story of closing doors to open windows of opportunity about Xiang Yu serves as a good example illustrating the point that when we close doors, we open windows of opportunity. The experiment conducted by Dr. Ariely also proves that in life, we should close certain doors in order to allow the right windows of opportunity and happiness to open. ;When facing choices of rival options, think about what Xiang Yu would do. (Para. 1);This example from ancient times leads to the experiment at MIT where Dr. Ariely teaches behavioral economics. The experiment showed that students couldn’t bear to see their options vanish, even though it was clear they would profit from doing so. (Para. 4);Introduction to Xiang Yu’s story;Body: the experiment by Dr. Ariely;Introduction to Xiang Yu’s story;Introduction to


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