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大 连 民 族 大 学 本 科 毕 业 设 计(论 文)基于iOS系统的校园生活app开发学 院: 机电工程学院 专 业:机械设计制造及其自动化 学 生 姓 名: 学 号: 指 导 教 师: 评 阅 教 师: 完 成 日 期: 大连民族大学摘要随着科技的迅速发展,手机成为人们日常生活不可却少的工具。现代生活丰富多彩,单纯打电话和发短信的手机已满足不了人们的生活需求,辅助生活功能强大的手机应运而生。基于iOS系统的iPhone手机具有简单易用的界面、令人叹服的功能、超强的稳定性,因其独特的设计和极佳的体验深受用户欢迎。iOS作为当前最流行的操作系统平台,自然也存在着大量的应用服务需求。近年,苹果手机在中国市场越来越大,许多人开始疯狂的追捧苹果产品。大学生便是其中的生力军之一。本课题便是基于iOS系统的校园生活app的开发,校园生活app主要是为大学生生活提供辅助。本课题使用X-code作为开发软件,用Objective-C作为开发语言。本为则是对课题研究中所运用到的技术进行介绍及对app设计过程做详细讲解。关键字:校园生活;app;iOS;Development of campus life app based on iOS systemAbstractWith the rapid development of science and technology, the mobile phone becomes a tool for peoples daily life. Modern life is rich and colorful, simple to call and send text messages can not meet the needs of peoples lives, the auxiliary living powerful mobile phone came into being. Based iPhone with IOS system has the function of simple and easy to use interface, gasp in admiration, stability, because of its unique design and excellent experience welcomed by users. IOS as the most popular operating system platform, there are a lot of natural application service needs.In recent years, Apples mobile phone market in China is getting bigger and bigger, many people began to crazy pursuit of apple products. College students is one of the main force. This topic is based on the iOS system of the campus life app development, campus life app is mainly for college students to provide assistance. This topic uses X-code as the development software, using Objective-C as the development language. This is the subject of the study of the technology used to introduce and app design process to do a detailed explanation.目录摘要2Development of campus life app based on iOS system3Abstract3目录4第1章 绪论61.1选题背景61.2 研究目的及内容61.3 开发工具介绍61.4 开发语言的介绍7第2章 校园生活app设计82.1 开发环境82.2 需求分析82.3 架构设计82.4 界面设计92.4.1 新鲜事界面设计92.4.2 课表界面设计102.4.3 学霸界面设计142.4.4 个人信息界面20第3章 应用功能说明213.1 新闻功能213.2 课表功能213.3 课堂笔记223.4 考试查询243.5 考试倒计时243.6 图书馆24第4章 软件测试254.1 测试目的264.2 测试原则264.2.1 Good?



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