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中文摘要为了提高万用表的使用效率和改善与智能化仪器配合度,设计了本作品。本设计主要由两大部分构成:上位机软件部分与测量系统硬件部分。其中,上位机软件部分主要包括:测量种类、量程调节、数据处理、数据保存和回放程序。测量系统硬件部分主要包括:核心芯片MAX134基础外围电路,AC/DC转换电路,电压和电阻的分压网络。测量的主要过程是:由上位机设置所测信号种类和量程,通过串口将命令发送给单片机,单片机根据命令控制MAX134进行测量,再将测量得到的数据返回给上位机,上位机对读取的数据进行处理和显示,得到我们想要的结果。经测试,系统可以测量直流电压范围在0-20V,电流范围在400mA,电阻测量范围在100Ω~5MΩ。本系统稳定性好、操作简单、人机界面友好。关键词 LabVIEW 数字万用表 智能仪器 自动变量程外文摘要Title ××××××××(4号Times New Roman) AbstractIn order to improve efficiency in the use a multimeter and improve with the degree of intelligent instruments, design the present works.This design comprises two main components: hardware portion upper part of the measurement system machine software. Among , part the PC software includes: types measurement, range of adjustment, data processing, data storage and playback program. Measurement hardware of the system includes: MAX134 basis the core chip peripheral circuits, AC / DC conversion circuit, voltage and resistance voltage divider network. measurement process: signal type and range of the measured by host computer settings through the serial port to send commands to the microcontroller, microcontroller according to the command controls MAX134 measurement and then measuring to get the data back to the host computer, the PC read data processing and display, get the results we want.After testing, system can measure the DC voltage range of 0-20V, current range of 400mA, resistance measurement range 100Ω ~ 5MΩ. The system has good stability, simple operation, friendly interface.Keywords LabVIEW Multimeter Intelligent instruments目 录1引言31.1 本课题研究背景及意义31.2 本文研究内容32 万用表整体设计32.1 总体电路的结构框图32.2 万用表芯片MAX134选取32.3 下位机控制和处理MCU32.4 通讯电路设计32.5 上位机软件总体设计33 万用表芯片MAX134电路设计33.1 芯片工作外围基础电路设计33.2 直流电压测量电路设计33.3 直流电流测量电路设计33.4 电阻测量电路设计33.5 交流电压电流测量电路设计33.6 二极管检测电路设计33.7 电路通断检测电路设计33.8 蜂鸣器驱动电路34 万用表芯片控制MCU时序34.1 整体程序流程34.2 控制字写入程序34.3 测量数据读取和处理34.4 35 通讯电路设计35.1 通讯芯片选取35.2 下位机通讯程序设计35.3 上位机通讯程序设计35.436 上位机程序设计36.1 前面板设计36.2 后面板设计36.337 基于LabVIEW的数字万用表整体实现



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