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河北经贸大学毕业论文河北省女性流动人口流动趋势研究专业名称:经济学班级:学生姓名:指导教师:完成时间: 2016年5月摘要随着经济的发展,河北省开始逐渐的向第二、三产业转型,第三产业发展日益蓬勃,为女性劳动者提供了就业机会。同时,经济发展导致区域发展失衡,越来越多的劳动者选择外出工作,其中也不乏女性;近些年,女性劳动人口数量不断增加,众多女性流动人口流动加剧,亦在产业发展中担任着及其重要的角色,如此现状对流入地的政府、企业等都提出了新的挑战,为了更好的提高女性流动人口管理水平和管理效率,本文对女性流动人口进行相关分析,以求寻找其相关特点。本文通过对女性流动人口基本情况、工作状况、参保情况等方面的数据分析,得出女性流动人口存在着工资与受教育程度的短期相关与长期无关性、与闲暇时间存在异质性、易受家庭因素的影响,且就业多集中于第三产业,工作的可替代性强的结论,并针对这些结论在流动人口管理机制建立、教育机制的完善、产业升级、减少性别歧视思想方面提出相关建议。本文重点在于以女性流动人口为研究对象,提出有利于女性流动人口在流入地生活、工作的建议,以促进女性流动人口的科学管理,减少性别歧视,更好的保障女性流动人口的自身权益,使其创造出更大的价值,对当今的经济、社会发展都具有极大的理论意义和现实意义。关键词女性流动人口;基本情况;特殊问题;建议AbstractWith the development of economy in Hebei province began to gradually transition to the second and third industry, the third industry development is increasingly vigorous, provides employment opportunities for women workers.At the same time, can lead to the development of regional economic development imbalances, more and more workers choose to go out to work, of which there are women;In recent years, the female labor population increasing, many women floating population flow flowing in, also in the development of industry and its important roles, so the status quo of defined the government, enterprises and so on all has brought great pressure, in order to better regulation female floating population, this paper analyses the women of the floating population, in order to find its related features.This article through to the womens basic situation of the floating population, working conditions, such as ginseng protect case for data analysis, it is concluded that female floating population exists wages has nothing to do with the education degree of correlation between short-term and long-term has nothing to do, and leisure time exists heterogeneity, vulnerable to the effects of family factors, more focused on the third industry, and the employment work of alternative strong conclusion, and according to these conclusions in the improvement of the floating population management mechanism, education


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