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Features Criminal Proceedings/刑事诉讼 Criminal Courts/刑事法庭 Civil Courts /民事法庭 There is no single legal system in the UK. There is a general similarity between the separate system of England and Wales and of Northern Ireland. A feature common to all system of law in the Uk is that there is no complete code Another common feature is the distinction made between criminal law(concerned with wrongs against the community as a whole) and civil law (concerned with disputes between individuals about their rights , duties and obligations between individuals and companies, and between one company and another. 联合王国不实行完全统一的法律制度。 英格兰,威尔士和北爱尔兰各自独立的法律制度有大体相似之处;苏格兰较之异处更多 联合王国所有法律制度的一个共同点是没有一部完整的法典 另一共同特点是刑法和民法之间的区别-刑法处理的是针对整个社会的犯罪行为,而民法处理的是个人之间就权利 责任 和义务而产生的纠纷,以及个人与群体,群体与群体之间的交往 The sources of the Law 1 statues 2 a large amount of “unwritten “ or common law, gathered from numerous decisions of the courts and other sources 3equity law 4European Community law 成文法-议会法案和经议会授权制定的补充法规 大量的”不成文“法或称习惯法,源于法院或其他许多判决 横平发-对习惯法中没有包括到的那些案例的一种补充性法律手段 欧洲共体法-英国加入欧盟要遵守的法律,主要局限于经济和社会问题 Criminal Proceedings It is the law through out the UK that as soon as anyone is arrested , he must be charged and brought before the court with the least possible delay. Unless the case with which an arrested person is charged is very serious, he will usually be granted bail(保释) if he cannot be brought before court within a day. 法律规定在全英国任何地方逮捕人,都必须尽快起诉并把其送到法院受审。 如果24小时内不能开庭,除非被控人的案情严重,否则皆可保释。 . All criminal trails are held in open court No accused person has to answer the questions of the police before trial He is not compelled to give evidence to submit to cross-examination in court. Every accused person has the right to employ a legal adviser to conduct his defense 所有刑事审判都在法院公开进行。因为刑法认为,在消除合理怀疑证明被告有最之前,他是无辜的,并采取一切可能的步骤不使原告比被告处于有利地位。 审判时被告不必回答警察的问题 不许强迫被告提供证据或在法庭上回答诉方的盘问 如果被告不能支付律师费,可用公共费用提供帮助。如果他被指控谋杀,自己又无充足的财力,那就必须向他提供法律援助 Jury 在由陪审团进行的刑事审判中,法官判刑,但由陪审团决定是否有罪。陪审团由法院召集,由普通独立公民组成。这些人年龄在18岁到70岁(苏格兰为65)之间,名字登记在选举登记册上的


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