
[医学]Unit 7 泌尿系统 医学英语.ppt

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[医学]Unit 7 泌尿系统 医学英语

第七章 泌尿系统 补充医学词汇与句型 流行病学家epidemiologist 研究病毒样本studying the viral samples 研发治疗方法develop treatments 胃下垂gastroptosis 胃炎gastritis 胃痉挛gastrospasm 胃溃疡gastric ulcer 胃扩张gastrectasis 背部肌肉抽筋/抽搐felt a muscle spasm in her back 致命的病毒the deadly virus 致命的病菌virulent bacteria 致命的感冒菌murderous flu 要解决问题,就要从它的根源处着手。 We have to solve the problem from the root. 降低心脏病发机率达四成cut the risk of heart attack up to 40% 面容苍白而憔悴looking exhausted and pale 面部麻痹facial nerve palsy 风疹rubella/German measles 风湿病学家rheumatologist 风湿热rheumatic fever 食肉菌感染flesh-eating bacteria infection 哮喘asthma 气喘wheeze 消化不良digestive disorders 狭心症angina pectoris 病毒virus 病毒在体内潜伏多年。 The virus remains latent in the body for many years. 病毒学家virologist 病理学家pathologist 病菌/细菌germ; Germ is a general word for viruses and bacteria. 病征包括晕眩、呕吐和失去听觉can cause dizziness, nausea and hearing loss 破伤风tetanus 神秘疾病mystery illness 胰岛细胞增殖症nesidioblastosis 脊柱裂spina bifida 送院时血糖过低have low blood sugar levels when he was admitted to hospital 退伍军人症Legionnaires disease 高血压hypertension 干咳dry cough 偏头痛migraine 动脉硬化arteriosclerosis/atherosclerosis 基因重组后的病毒recombinant virus 常见疾病common diseases 带菌者carrier 患上catch/come down with/get/contract 患肺病的consumptive 患哮喘的儿童asthmatic children 排列SARS冠状病毒的基因组序列sequenced the genome of the SARS coronavirus 第一个已知的带菌者the first known carrier 第一号杀手the leading killer 细菌bacteria(pl)/bacterium(sing) 细菌感染bacterial infection 细菌温床fertile grounds for germs 贫血anemia 这和有效的防治计划背道而驰。 Thats antithetical to effective prevention programs. 造成肺水肿caused lungs to fill with fluid 透过体液传播is transmitted through body fluids 雪梨型感冒Sydney flu 最备受忽视的疾病the most ignored illnesses 喉头炎laryngitis 插喉/插管intubation 斑疹伤寒typhus 猩红热scarlet fever/scarlatina 痢疾dysentery 痛风gout 痉挛went into convulsions 发病率incidence 发烧/发热have a fever/have a temperature/run a temperature/feverish 肾病病人kidney patients 肾衰竭suffering from renal failure/kidney failure 着凉got a chill 莱姆病Lyme disease 菌血症bacteremia 诈病/装病feigning sick 超级病菌superbug 超过四分一的香港人患有高血压。 More than one in four p


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