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Applying the South East Queensland Healthy Waterways Model in Pearl River Delta, China – A Business Case Approach 第 十 Annie Chan 二 屆 深 港 Abstract: This is an abridged version of a report from a research project that was 珠 completed in May 2015, when the author was completing her master degree in Brisbane, 澳 Australia. The project aimed to develop and promote a business case approach to apply the 供 South East Queensland Healthy Waterways (SEQHW) Model in Pearl River Delta (PRD). 水 While developing a robust business case is impossible with the limited scale of this 界 project, a business case framework has been developed to guide future possible actions. 學 workshop serving as an action research activity has also been conducted to engage a 術 sample of stakeholders from the Modaomen Estuary, one of the river outlet regions in 交 PRD. This workshop aimed to introduce the SEQHW Model and collect local perspectives 流 towards adopting a regional collaborative approach in water management similar to that of 會 the SEQHW Model. From the research project there emerge some key messages and 暨 recommendations. They include: (1) Adopting collaborative approaches in PRD can be challenging. This may be related to the scattered yet overlapped jurisdictions, the fiscal 第 and the political system in the Mainland public administration regime. F


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