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汤姆·汉克斯 梅格·莱恩 电 子 情 书 导演 诺拉·爱索 这真是太夸张了 Amazing. This is amazing. 你听听看 他们将要把整个维吉尼亚州 Listen to this: The entire work force of the state of Virginia... 政府电脑里的接龙洗掉 had to have solitaire removed from their computers... 因为这些公务员 已经六个礼拜没有在工作 because they hadnt done any work in six weeks. 这真是悲哀 Thats so sad. 你知不知道这代表什么意思 -不知道 Do you know what this is? - No. 这表示西方文明已经完了 What were seeing here is the end of Western civilization as we know it. 你是不是快迟到了Arent you late? 请你说出科技 带给我们什么好处 一样就好 Technology. Name me one thing that weve gained from technology. 电力 Electricity. 好吧 人们以为机器是益友 但是谁知道呢Thats one. You think this machines your friend, but its not. 我走了 -晚上见Im out of here. - See you tonight! -寿司 -寿司- Sushi! - Sushi! 再见Bye! 请选择你的名字 老板娘 Welcome. 你有新邮件Youve got mail. 新邮件 名字一纽约152 主旨 布克林 克林是我的狗 Brinkley is my dog. 他和我一样都喜欢纽约的街道He loves New York streets as much as I do. 可是他会去人行道捡 而我宁愿去买 Although he likes to eat bits of pizza and bagel off the sidewalk and I prefer to buy them. 布克林很会接棒球 纽约网队曾经请他去面试 Brinkley is a great catcher who was offered a tryout on the Mets. 但是他宁愿和我在一起But he chose to stay with me so he could spend 18 hours a day... 这样他就可以一天18个小时 都躺在大绿枕头上sleeping on a large green pillow the size of an inner tube. 你喜欢秋天的纽约吗Dont you love New York in the fall? 这让我有冲动去买学校用品 Makes me want to buy school supplies. 甜心 -干嘛 Honey? - Wow? 我快准备好了Im almost ready. 如果我知道你的名字和住址 打开了没 I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils... 那我就可以寄给你一盒 新削好的铅笔if I knew your name and address. 我今天要双倍浓缩咖啡 但是换个角度想 不知道可以制造神秘感On the other hand, this not knowing has its charms. 你有没有按下去 -有 我按下去了- Did you push it? - Yes, I pushed it. 我已经迟到了Im so late. 蓝登出版社开除了狄克·艾金斯 这是个好消息Random House fired Dick Atkins. Good riddance. 摩利·查尔顿死了 又走了一个我讨厌的人 Murray Chilton died, which makes one less person Im not speaking to. 快点...Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! 文斯的作品受到好评 他会忙死Vince got a great review. Hell be insufferable. 今晚要参加纽约诗人协会晚宴Tonight, PEN dinner. 我要去啊?Am I going? 你答应过的Joe Fox, you promised. 这


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