31 A dangerous servant(一)B1.ppt

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31 A dangerous servant(一)B1

Key points·重点点拨 【词条1】trick 【课文原句】 I’ve tricked Daisy at last. 【点拨】 trick 在此处为动词,意为“哄骗”。例如: The emperor was tricked but he was not aware of it. 这个皇帝被哄骗了,但他却没有察觉。 trick 还可作名词,意为“诡计,花招”。例如: They had to think of a trick to get past the guards. 他们只好想出一个计谋骗过岗哨。 【拓展】 关于trick的常见短语主要有: trick sb into sth/into doing sth 意为“诱使某人做某事”。例如: He tricked me into lending him $100. 他骗我借给了他100美元。 【词条2】 foolish 【课文原句】 She’ll really look foolish. 【点拨】 foolish 作形容词用,意为“愚蠢的”。例如: I was foolish enough to believe what he said. 我真愚蠢,竟相信他的话。 【拓展】 foolish的名词形式是fool,意为“傻瓜”。例如:I felt a fool when I realized my mistake. 我意识到了自己的错误,觉得自己是个傻瓜。 【词条3】politely 【课文原句】 Benny asked politely, ‘May I have my packet of electricity, please?’ 【点拨】 politely 作副词用,意为“有礼貌地,客气地”。例如: He refused the invitation politely. 他有礼貌地拒绝了邀请。 【拓展】 politely 的形容词形式是polite。例如: It is not polite to stare at others. 盯着别人看是一种不礼貌的行为。 【短语1】(be) careful with 【课文原句】 You must always be careful with it. 【点拨】 (be) careful with 意为“小心对待,谨慎处理”。例如: You must be careful with the vase. It’s valuable. 那花瓶很贵重,要小心处理。 【拓展】 与careful相关的短语还有: be careful of 意为“当心;小心;注意”。例如: Drivers should be careful of pedestrians in cities. 在城里,驾驶车辆的人应该注意行人。 【短语2】connect to 【课文原句】 ‘...and these are connected to thick wires that are buried under the street.’ 【点拨】 connect to 意为“(使)连接;联结”。例如: The town is connected to the village with the road. 这条路把城镇和乡村连接起来。 【拓展】 connected with 意为“和……有联系”。例如: She is connected with the govenment. 她和政府有联系。 【短语3】switch off 【课文原句】 You must not switch it off. 【点拨】 switch off意为“关(电灯,机器等)。例如: Students must switch off the fan before they leave the classroom. 学生在离开教室时,要关掉电风扇。 【拓展】 switch on 开(电灯,机器等) switch over 换台 根据语境提示,用合适的单词或短语填空。 1. I want to listen to the news. Could you ______ the radio for me? 2. What a(n) ______ mistake I have made! 3. You should be more ___________ your money. 4. They try to deal with angry customers ______. 5. Mary ______ him into believing what she said. switch on foolish careful


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