5 The Day I was Fat 英语专业自考 综合英语(一)下.ppt

5 The Day I was Fat 英语专业自考 综合英语(一)下.ppt

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5 The Day I was Fat 英语专业自考 综合英语(一)下

The Day I was Fat Lesson 5 Pronunciation 1. squad 2. tease 3. tail 4. disapproval 5. sting 6. bathing 7. protein 8. source Expressions 1.advise sb to do sth 2. gain weight 3. from then on 4. get sth/sb out of one’s mind 5. have an effect on 6. have sth. Done 7. lose weight 8. put on weight 9. remember doing 10. settle down 1. be in (good) shape 2. do not have the heart to do sth. 3. get into an argument with sb. 4. get into shape 5. give birth to 6. out of the question 7. pull into 8. shed weight 9. show one’s concern for… 1. be in (good) shape 身材好,身体好 Shes in good shape after months of training. 女孩子们都想有好的身材是可以理解的。 It is understandable that girls all want to be in great shape. 2. when I made the cheer-leading squad : when I became a member of the cheer-leading squad make 使成为…的一员 3. the splits 劈腿 cartwheel 侧身翻 4. respectable 适当的 5. burst onto the scene 冲上舞台 scene (戏剧)一场,一幕 6. settle down 定居,平静下来,专心于 1)Stop larking about, children, and settle down to do your homework 孩子们,不要闹着玩了,静下来做你们的功课。 2)Hes just a drifter he cant settle down anywhere. 他不过是个流浪汉--哪儿也呆不住。 7. had (a/an) bad/good…effects on 对…有好的/坏的…影响 1)The advertising campaign didn‘t have much effect on sales. 2) Noisy students have a distractive effect on those who want to study. 8. blow up 使充气,爆炸,放大 9. gain weight put on weight 体重增加 lose weight shed weight 体重减轻 10. out of the question 不可能 1) A new bicycle is out of the question. we cant afford it. 2) It is out of the question for him to stay in office so late. 11. out of question 的确(毫无疑问,一定,当然) His honesty is out of question. 他的诚实是毫无疑问的。 12. remember doing sth. 记得做过某事 我记得昨晚我把门锁上了。但是奇怪的是,我今天早晨发现门开着。 I remembered locking the door yesterday evening. It was surprising that I found it open this morning. 12. give birth to 生产,生育 1)It is said that James Watts observation of steam issuing from a kettle gave birth t


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