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爱伦坡及其作品中的哥特式元素 Poe and Gothic Elements in His Works Abstract: The Gothic tradition plays an important role in English and American literature, and many writers have inherited the writing tradition in their novels. This paper analyzes the influence of the Gothic tradition on the creation of Poe’s famous Gothic stories which contain Gothic elements in many aspects, including themes, characters, environment, details and climaxes and so on. At the same time, Poe adds disintegrating mentality and fresh energy into the old form of Gothic tradition. What’s more, he endows the characters with complicated psychological description which makes the old Gothic form perfect. He makes his Gothic stories imitate the Gothic technique successfully and adds something new to Gothic tradition as well. As a result his Gothic stories maintain the unique and everlasting artistic charm in the literature. Key words: Edgar Allan Poe; Gothic Novels; Gothic Tradition; Improvement 摘要:哥特式传统在英美文学的创作中扮演着非常重要的角色,许多作家都把这一传统用到他们的作品中。本文旨在分析哥特式传统在爱伦·坡的著名哥特式小说中的运用与影响。这些著作在主题、人物、环境的描述以及细节和情节的刻画方面都运用了哥特式的协作方法。爱伦·坡将分裂的心理和新鲜的能量注入旧的哥特式形式,并赋予小说中的人物畸形的心理刻画使其与传统的哥特式完美结合。他在巧妙地运用哥特式传统的同时又增添了新的元素,使得他的哥特式小说在世界文学艺术中保持着持久的魅力。 关键词:爱伦·坡;哥特式小说;哥特式传统;传承 Contents An Introduction to the Gothic Tradition and Its Influence on Literature…………………………………………….…….….…1 A. The origin of Gothic tradition and its development………………...1 B. The beginning of Gothic novel……………………………………...…2 C. The characteristics of Gothic novel…………………………………..3 A Brief Introduction to Edgar Allan Poe and His Gothic Novels…………………………………………….…………….…3 Gothic Depiction Plays a Key Role in Poe’s Gothic Works…..5 A. Gothic application to the description of environment……………….5 B. Gothic application to the creation of characters’ disintegrating mind…..6 C. Gothic application to the device of climax………………………….....7 Edgar Allan Poe’s Improvement on the Gothic Tradition……….7 Conclusion…………………………………………..…………….9 Works Cited………………..……………


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