F5培训PPT - Bip90eDay2.ppt

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F5培训PPT - Bip90eDay2

BIG-IP V9.0 Day 2 F5 Networks Training Course Outline Installation Load Balancing Health Monitors Profiles Persistence Processing SSL Traffic Module 7 – Lab Project Save your configuration Restore trainX_base.ucs Add new Pools Monitors Virtual Servers Profiles Test new configuration Archive Configurations Lab Project Module 7 – Verification http://10.10.X.100 Load Balancing? Why? https://10.10.X.100 Load Balancing? Why? ssh://10.10.X.100 Did you connect? https://10.10.X.100 Load Balancing now? https://10.10.X.102 Secure? Module 7 – Questions Describe Admin users added by setup? What is a Node, Pool, Profile Virtual Server? List the Load Balancing Modes. What are Monitors assigned to? Pool Member disabled, still receive client requests? How are the Client SSL and Server SSL Profiles different? Module 8 – NATs and SNATs Network Address Translation Module 8 – Outline NAT’s NAT Lab SNAT Concepts Configuring SNATs SNAT Labs NAT One-to-one mapping Bi-directional traffic Dedicated IP address Configuration: NAT Lab SNATs Many-to-one mapping Traffic to SNAT Address is refused Can share IP with Virtual Server SNAT Configuration SNATs SNAT Lab Module 9 - iRules Module 9 – Outline iRule Concepts Syntax iRule Events iRule Context Configuring iRules iRules Labs iRule Concepts Syntax iRules Often Select Pool Basic Syntax If … then … else … iRule Operators Relational Examples contains matches equals starts_with Logical Examples Not And Or iRule Events Global Events Client Accepted – Syn, SynAck, Ack Server Data – html page to client HTTP Events HTTP request or HTTP response SSL Events Client SSL handshake Authentication Events Auth Failure iRule Events HTTP Event Example Pool selection based on Browser Sample Capture – For Rule Processing iRule Context With reference to whom? Configuring iRules Create Rule Configuring iRules Create Pools first Create Rule next Then point VS to Rule iRules Labs Module 10 – Redundant Pair Module 10 – Outline Redundant Pair Concepts Setup o


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