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预测一(一)听力原文及答案解析 Listening Comprehension Section A 11. W: I really want to see the play at the outdoor theater tonight. Will you come with me? M: You know I hate battling all those mosquitoes, but if you have your heart set on it. Q: What can be inferred about the man? 【听前预测】选项中的He doesn’t expect/can’t go/doesn’t like等,本题可能与男士的观点态度有关【解 析】选[A]。女士说今晚非常想去露天剧院看戏剧,并问男士是否会与她同去男士说很讨厌和蚊子作斗争,紧接着but转折,if you have your heart set on it”(如果非常想去)。由此可推断,男士并不能好好欣赏戏剧,故答案为[A]。have one’s heart set on sth.意为“非常想……”。 12. W: Do you think the prices of mobile phones are still going up? M: Now that more and more mobile phones are pouring into the markets, the prices won’t be any higher. Q: What does the man mean? 【听前预测】选项中的prices,will stop rising/either rise or fall等表明,对话可能与价格走势有关。 【解 析】选[]。女士问男士手机的价格上涨,“the prices won’t be any higher”(手机价格不会再高了)由此可推断,男士认为手机的价格不会再涨了,故答案为[]。 13. M: Hi Lucy, I heard you found a part-time job at a restaurant. How much are you getting paid? W: Just the minimum wage. Anyway, it’s a good chance to improve my English.Q: What is Lucy’s part-time job like? 【听前预测】选项中的Tiring,Lowpaid,easy等表明,本题可能考查某份工作的特点。 【解 析】选[B]。男士听说女士在餐馆找了一份兼职,询问她待遇如何女士说Just the minimum wage(只是最低工资)it’s a good chance to improve my English(提高英语的好机会)由此可,女士(即Lucy)的工作虽然工资不多,但对她很有帮助,故答案为[B]。 14. M: Hi Susan, if you are not doing anything for dinner tonight, a bunch of us are going to that new Italian restaurant in town. W: Well, I am in the mood for some spaghetti and I have heard the food there is not bad. Q: What does the woman imply? 【听前预测】选项中的restaurant,dinner,order spaghetti等表明,对话可能与外出就餐有关。 【解 析】选[B]。男士建议女士一起去镇上新开的意大利餐馆,女士说她正好想吃意大利面,而且她听说那里的味道还不错,言外之意是说她会跟男士一起吃晚饭,故答案为[B]。spaghetti意为“意大利面”。 15. M: May I help you, madam? W: I bought this T-shirt yesterday, but I find a stain here. And I’d like to return it. Q: Why does the woman want to return the T-shirt? 【听前预测】选项中的too small for her,doesn’t like,a spot on it等表明,本题可能与女士不想要it有关,听音时注意it指代什么。 【解 析】选[C]。男士询问女士是否需要帮助,女士说她昨天买的这件T恤,但是后来她


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