Trans Fats – the UGLY Fat(PPT-30).ppt

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Trans Fats – the UGLY Fat(PPT-30)

Trans Fats – the UGLY Fat Presented by: Dr. Christine Simpson CHIP Alumni - June 20, 2006 Walter C. Willett, MD “Only one type of dietary fat is worse for you than saturated fat---the increasingly common trans fat.” “...thirty thousand or more premature heart disease deaths each year” are “due to trans fats in our food supply.” What are fatty acids? Chains of carbon atoms with hydrogen atoms attached The important way fatty acids differ: degree of saturation = how many hydrogen atoms the carbon chains carry saturated fatty acids monounsaturated fatty acids polyunsaturated fatty acids Saturated fatty acid Fully loaded with hydrogen atoms Only single bonds between carbon atoms Straight molecule, stiff, pack together Examples: Animal-based fats (meat and dairy) Solid plant-based fats, such as coconuts, palm fats, etc. In general, saturated fats tend to increase the risk of heart disease (raise LDL levels, but also raise HDL levels) Monounsaturated fatty acid One pair of hydrogen atoms missing One double bond between carbons Hydrogen on same side of double bond = cis configuration Bent molecule, flexible, not pack together Examples: Olive oil Canola oil Avocado In general, monounsaturated fats tend to lower the risk of heart disease when consumed in moderate amounts. Polyunsaturated fatty acid Two or more pairs of hydrogen atoms missing Two or more double bonds between carbons Hydrogen on same side of double bond = cis configuration Bent molecule, more flexible, not pack together Examples: (these include the omega-3’s and 6’s) Corn oil Sunflower oil Soybean oil Canola oil Flaxseed oil Hemp seed oil In general, polyunsaturated fats tend to lower the risk of heart disease when consumed in moderate amounts. Process of hydrogenation Oils are reacted under pressure with hydrogen High temperatures: 248 - 410o F Metal catalyst: nickel, platinum ‘Raney’s Nickel: 50% nickel, 50% aluminum 6 - 8 hours Creates man-made “saturated fats” Introduced in 1930s: makes margarine


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