Unit 3 英汉对比与翻译 (二).ppt

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Unit 3 英汉对比与翻译 (二)

Ⅱ. 英汉句法现象的对比 Teaching Contents: 中西思维的差异导致语言的差异 形合和意合(hypotaxis and parataxis) 句序(sentence order) 时态和语态(tense voice) 英语句子结构转换 Teaching Aims: 主要了解英汉句子构成的差异,学会基本的转换方法。 Teaching Focus: 英语句子结构转换 Teaching Process: Exercise; Discussion (group work, then class work) Exercise again. Translate them into Chinese. Don’t come in until I call you. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go to the park. He has never been back to Beijing since he left it five years ago. He read so fast that we could not hear it clearly. It must have been done by you since only you stayed in the classroom last night. It is easy to change rivers and mountains but hard to change a person’s nature. The future is bright while the road ahead is tortuous. Shanghai was once paradise for the capitalists but hell for the laboring people. If you confer a benefit, never remember it; if you receive one, remember it always. 1. 中西思维的差异导致语言的差异 思维---表现法---语言具体形式: 意合和形合 汉民族的形象思维方式、循回式思维方式 道生一、一生二、二生三、三生万物,万物归于道 在语言表现法中有回环式:“人不犯我,我不犯人”,及递进式表达:“道高一尺,魔高一丈”。所以,中国人表达事物总是按时间和事理发展顺序由因到果、由先到后、由大到小进行阐述,这种思维模式可称为具体一般型表达(Particular-General Pattern)。 西方人的思维模式是一般具体型思维,擅长抽象思维,总是先概括后分解、先表态后叙述、先总结后事例、先整体后细节,由果到因、由小到大等。 语序:汉语是按时间顺序和逻辑发展关系由先到后、由因到果、由假设到推论、由事实到论证,而英语则相反。 2.形合和意合(hypotaxis and parataxis) 条件:If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go to the park. 明天不下雨,我们就去公园。 时间:He has never been back to Beijing since he left it five years ago. 他离开北京五年了,从未回去过。 结果:He read so fast that we could not hear it clearly. 他读的太快,我们听不清楚。 原因:It must have been done by you since only you stayed in the classroom last night. 昨晚你在教室,肯定是你干的。 转折:It is easy to change rivers and mountains but hard to change a person’s nature. 江山易改,禀性难移。 对比:The future is bright while the road ahead is tortuous. 道路是曲折的,前途是光明的。 Shanghai was once paradise for the capitalists but hell for the laboring people. 上海是资本家的乐园,劳动群众的苦海。 If you confer a benefit, never remember it; if you receive one, remember it always. 施恩勿记,受恩勿忘。 3. 句序(sentence order) (1) 汉语按照时间先后。 The “p


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