[思想汇报]如何做好内外部沟通 0830.ppt

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[思想汇报]如何做好内外部沟通 0830

IIPC ENG/QA Sep 2005 3.有效沟通的3大利器 The End Working In IIPC IIPC ENG/QA ? 2002 IBM Corporation 如何做好内外部沟通 Agenda 1.处理好内外部沟通的重要性 2.内外部沟通常见的误区 3.有效沟通的3大利器 4.沟通-过5关 5.沟通技巧之独孤9剑 课后作业 1.处理好内外部的沟通的重要性 What’s in it for me? 有形资源和无形资源 现在资源和未来资源 2.内外部沟通中常见的误区 “问这么简单的问题,别人会不会嘲笑我?” 别人的所得就是我的所失. 她什么都不知道. 犯别人的忌讳. 先入为主. 总是打断别人的发言. … … What’s wrong with communication? What do I have? 说清楚了吗? 听到了吗? 听懂了吗? 同意了吗? 1.表达 2.接收 3.理解 4.认同 5.行动 承诺的行动执行了吗? 4.沟通-过5关 What shall I do? Organizations Teams Communication You Technology New employees Business Industries Disciplines Issues Software Group Sales and Distribution Global Services 小测验 表达 – 接收 – 理解 – 认同 – 行动 案例分享 Communication 准备阶段 – 沟通前 确认目标 了解对方 50% 5.沟通技巧之独孤9剑 执行阶段 – 沟通ing 注视对方 耐心倾听/记录/询问 简单清晰表述自己观点 跟进阶段 – 沟通后 备忘录 提醒/跟进 肯定 印象 / 环境 How to do? 课后作业: 你目前沟通中碰到哪些不舒服的地方?你如何处理? 在参加了这个培训之后,你会如何处理类似问题? 你能说出IIPC有哪些特别的沟通途径? 希望大家都能成为沟通高手! Intentionally left blank Many companies define themselves in terms of technologies, products, pricing or even individual personalities. IBM is different. From its inception nearly a century ago, our company has been grounded in strongly held beliefs. They have shaped our marketplace identity and our policies and practices. They commit IBM to be a trusted partner for clients, a reliable long-term investment, a progressive employer and a responsible corporate citizen. Some people might still think that IBM employees are a stuffy, buttoned-down lot. Not true. We’re not preoccupied with the colors of our shirts. Or past glory. Truth is, IBMers are defined by their values. Were one of the few companies where employees identify themselves by the company name — here youre not just an IBM employee, youre an IBMer. ? In the following presentation, we’ll answer the question, “So what is it like to work at IBM?” We’ll talk about IBM’s global scope, our values, diversity, culture of flexibility, collaboration and teamwork. You’ll see that we challenge ourselves to excel at all we


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