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26 3 四 川 环 境 V ol26, N o3 2007 6 S ICHUA N ENV IRONM ENT June 2007 1 1 1 2 1 1 陆露璐 , 黎 明, 刘德启 , 袁 雯 , 蔡 晔, 顾 俊 ( 1. , 2 15 123; 2. , 200062 : 日益严重的水体富营养化现象, 仅降低了它的使用功能, 也使水生态系统日趋退化, 从而制约了当地社会经 济的可持续发展利用组建或重建沉水植物技术净化水质或进行水体生态修复是一种有效的生态工程措施本文综述 了光照pH营养盐重金属悬浮颗粒物及着生藻类等生态因子对沉水植物修复的影响和修复时应注意的问题 : ; ; ; : X 171 : A : 1001-3644( 2007 0 3-00 30-04 S tudy on E cological Factors A ffecting R estoration of Subm erged P lants in W ater w ith Eu troph ication 1 1 1 2 1 1 LU Lu- lu , L IM ing , L IU De-qi , YUAN W en , CA I Y e , GU Jun ( 1. The College of Chem istry and Chem ical Eng ineering of Soochow Un iversity, Suzhou, J iang su 215123, Ch ina; 2. The D e artm ent of R esource Environm ent, E ast China N orm al Un ivers ity, Shangha i 200062, Ch ina) Ab stract: Increasing ly w orsening eutroph ication no t only hasm ade the function o fw ater body reduced, also has m ade the w ate r ecosystem degenerated, w h ich consequen tly restr icted the su sta inab le deve lopm ent of loca l soc ie ty and econom y. By applica tion o f the techno logy conce rning organ izing o r reconstructing the subm erg ed p lants to decontam ina te o r recover w ater qua lity is an effec tive m easure of eco log ica l eng ineering. Th is paper rev iew ed the eco log ical fac to rs such as light, nutr ient salt, heavy m eta l, su spended particulate ma tter and periphy tic algae on the rehab ilitation of subm erged p lants. A lso som e problem s during the phy torem ed ia tion w ork w ere d iscu ssed. K eyw ord s: Eutrophication;


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