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37 9 () Vol. 37 No. 9 2009 9 Journal of Northwest AF University( Nat. Sci. d.) Sep. 2009 vg b * 1, 2 2 1 张西锋 , 李万芬, 郭蔼光 ( 1 , 712100; 2 , 430032) [ ] = (VHb) (v gb) , B- = pA01 P43 v gb pA-vgb, ,v gb DB104: bga , DB104: vbga PCR Southern blot DB104: vbga ,VHb B-= PCR Southern blot , DB104: vbga v gb , VHb ,250 r/ min , DB104: vbga DB104: bga B- ; 150 r/ min , vgb DB104:vbga B-DB104: bga 14.9% = vgb [ ] ; ; vg b ; [ ] Q786 [] A [ ] 1671-9387( 2009) 09-0199-05 Integrated expression and roles of vit reoscilla hemoglobin gene ( vgb ) in Bacillus subtilis 1,2 2 1 ZHANG X-i feng , LI Wan-fen , GUO A-i guang ( 1 College of L if e S cience, N orthw est A F Univ er sity , K ey L abor atory f or M olecular B iolog y of A gr iculture of S haan i, Yang ling , S haan i 712100, China; 2 Dep ar tment of Biological and Ph armaceutical E ngineer ing , Wuhan Poly technic Univ ersity , Wuhan, H ubei 430032, China ) Abstract: =Objective T he study obtained Vitroscilla Hemoglobin gene integration expression in Ba- cillus subtilis for enhancing function in B-Galactosidase production. = Method Using promoter P43 and pA01, an integrated vector of B. subtilis, pA-vgb, which was an integrated expression vector of vg b gene, was constructed. Using the method of double homologous recombination between plasmid pA-vgb and B. subtilis DB104:bga chromosome,vgb genewas integrated into DB104:bga, and then got a vgb-integrated


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