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徐本禹,1999-2003年就读于华中农业大学。 2003年考取本校农业经济管理 专业公费研究生,但没 有立即就读,到贵州省大方 县猫场镇狗吊岩村岩洞小学 与大水乡大石村大石小学支 教。因文章《两所山村小学 和一个支教者》而被中国人 所熟知,后获选中国中央电 视台“感动中国·2004年度物”。 Jo,a young Australian woman, was a volunteer teacher who worked in Papua New Guinea (PNG) for two years. Fast-reading Read the text fast and divide it into four parts, then summarize what each part is about. Role Playing Make a dialogue according to the text. As Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations said “ … each contribution- no matter how small- can help make a difference.” Homework * Unit4 Sharing Warming-up &Reading No.3 Middle School Puyang County Gao Guanfeng E-mail: gaoguanfeng1975@163.com work as a voluntary teacher fight against the flood help the disabled They are helping others in their community or outside their community. They are called volunteers. Reading Do you know where PNG is? Independent State of Papua New Guinea 巴布亚新几内亚独立国 located in the north of Australia 巴布亚新几内亚国旗和国徽 (极乐鸟) 巴布亚在马来语中意为“卷发人”。 16世纪中叶, 葡萄牙人来到该岛时, 见当地 居民和自然景观很像非洲的几内亚, 故称之 为新几内亚。 首 都: 莫尔兹比港 Port Moresby 面 积: 46.2万平方公里 人 口: 430万人 语 言: 英语 ?民 族: 美拉尼西亚族 宗 教: 基督教新教、拜物教 ?货 币: 基那 ? 国庆节: 9月16日 ?时 差: 比北京时间早2小时 ?气 候: 热带雨林气候 houses made of bamboo and grass the tribe (部落) the villagers PNG is a poor country with most people living in tribal(部落的) villages. Its educational and living conditions are especially poor. This reading passage is an airmail from Jo,a volunteer teacher in PNG. A letter home Opening of the letter and introduction to what will be talked about in the passage. Part 1 (Paragraph 1): Th


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