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Unit 4 TextⅠ Fun, oh Boy. Fun. You Could Die from It Structural analysis of the Text This essay evaluates the “fun” side of the American culture in an ironic way. 1-5 introduction: provide a stipulative definition of “fun” 6-11 body part: give an extended definition of it by pointing out what it is not 12-15 conclusion: conclude with an anecdote that further explains what fun is Narration, comparison and contrast Fun is a rare jewel?. jewel 宝石? ,? 可引申为难能可贵的宝物 jewels 珠宝 Hongkong is the jewel of China. jewellery n.珠宝首饰(总称) jeweller n.? 宝石钟表匠;珠宝钟表商 jewelled adj. 镶有宝石的 The cloudless sky was jewelled with myriads of glittering stars. 无云的晴空镶嵌着无数颗闪烁的星星。 P3 somewhere along the line -- during the time when you are involved in an activity or process e.g. Somewhere along the line, his father became addicted to gambling in Las Vegas. deserve v.值得,应得,应受 derserve sth;??? deserve to do sth deserve doing(主动表被动);? deserve doing = deserve to be done, e.g. deserve criticizing deserve well of 有功于 He has deserved well of his country. 他有功于国家 [IDIOM] get what you deserve /? deserve all you get?你应得的;罪有应得 Derservely adv. 应得地,理所当然地 He has just been chosen for the top job ,and deservedly so. Deserving adj. 值得的,应得的.? ~ of sth . OPP : undeserving . e.g. to give money to a deserving cause; an issue deserving of attention. Puritan Puritans refer to a group of radical English protestants that arose in the late sixteenth century and became a major force in England during the seventeenth century. Puritans wanted to “purify” the Church of England by eliminating traces of its origins in the Roman Catholic Church. In addition, they urged a strict moral code and placed a high value on hard work. After the execution of King Charles I in 1649, they controlled the new government, the Commonwealth. Oliver Cromwell, who became leader of the Commonwealth, is the best-known Puritan. Many puritans, persecuted in their homelan


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